Who is really rocking your boat? You may be surprised.

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A cheery hello to all and welcome back to the blog,

Today I want to share with you a wonderful quote that I saw recently from Abraham, via Esther and Jerry Hicks. As is often the case, this quote found me at just the right moment and lifted me back up onto an even kilter.

Just as I was starting to feel a little sorry for myself.

Just as I was doubting my contribution to, and purpose in life.

And just as a work event had reaffirmed this very sense of  purpose and my place in the world.

It was like a secondary validation was rushed in to greet me via The Universe, before I could pour myself into that dismal hollow of self pity and self doubt, that can be a slippery slope to nowhere that is any good.

A hollow of self created muck, that can very quickly cover you from head to toe in misery and self criticism.

So what did I read that spun me on my heels and issued me forth –  back into the land of possibility, self appreciation, gratitude and motivation?

Well – here it is:

“What others are doing around you seems very important when you have not found your own steadiness. You want to say to them, “Don’t rock my boat! If you rock my boat, I can’t be steady.” But the truth of it is, you’re the only boat-rocker in your world. Only you can rock your boat.”


Excerpted from: Phoenix, AZ on February 01, 2014
Our Love,
Esther (and Abraham and Jerry)

Now this really “rocked my boat” ha ha ha!

This really made me stop and think about “why” I had been feeling a little out of sorts and I realised quite sharply that the above quote hits the nail right on the proverbial head.

When you spend your time scrolling through Facebook or other social media, looking at what everyone else is doing….

When you become preoccupied with comparisons to the lives of others…..

When you step out of your own flow for too long and look to what everyone else is doing instead of focusing on your own puddle……

You rock your boat!

And then you lay the blame for this rocking squarely at the people who are simply and diligently following their own life plan and purpose.

“What others are doing around you seems very important when you have not found your own steadiness”

This is oh so true.

I realised that when I was in my flow – teaching my Dance for PD classes, teaching and examining Tapatak Oz, spending time travelling, spending time with family or friends, or writing these blogs – I was as happy as a clam. Because I really do know what I love these days and am lucky enough to spend my time doing it……most of the time!

I realised that the moments in which I was not ” in this flow” I became distracted by other people’s flow and this in turn lead to me “rocking my boat” and creating a real sense of unease and unsteadiness.

When you are loving what you do.

When you are deep in the flow of whatever it is you love.

When you are genuinely engaged in what you are doing  - then you feel this certainty and steadfastness.

No-one and nothing can drag you away from what you are doing.

No-one and nothing can draw your attention elsewhere.

No-one and nothing can rock your boat.

But when change comes a calling and your attention is wandering outside of you to other people’s lives and what they are doing, and you can not refocus on the plan you have currently set up in your life – then you know that there is a Summer of Discontent about to be visited upon you, and you need to buckle up and get ready for the ride.

You may feel uneasy and unsteady and unhinged.

You may feel the tides of change beckoning you forth.

You will be rocking your boat.


Because your soul is trying to wake you up to the life you are meant to live.

Because your soul has access to a more complete picture of what is going on and is calling you to follow.

Because your intuition is the barometer of your soul and wants you to awaken to all the possibilities life can afford you.

So I guess my message today is : ” Is your boat rocking?”

And if it is, then you need to remember:

That the truth of it is, you’re the only boat-rocker in your world. Only you can rock your boat.

So you may like to take a look and figure out why you are rocking your boat?

What is it that needs to change?

What is calling you?

What have you been avoiding?

What needs attention?

Because when you are truly in your flow and rowing your boat to where your heart lies and where you truly want to be – you will be steadfast even in the most turbulent of storms. You will feel steady and true. So either remember and rekindle that passion for where you are, or move on to another place and embrace the winds of change.

For there has never been a more true statement than this:

“What others are doing around you seems very important when you have not found your own steadiness. You want to say to them, “Don’t rock my boat! If you rock my boat, I can’t be steady.” But the truth of it is, you’re the only boat-rocker in your world. Only you can rock your boat.”



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