Sparkle, reflect, mirror and shine – your soul is waiting for you!

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Hello to all and welcome back,


Recently I was invited to attend an event at the Sydney Opera House, our most prestigious of arts venues in Sydney. I am quite certain that most of you would be familiar with this iconic Australian structure, with its billowing roof, which mimics the sails of a tall ship.

It really is an incredible building, with its most stunning of backdrops, being Sydney Harbour.

I was there as part of the Dance for Parkinsons Team, as we were giving a small presentation as part of the night. The event was the  launch for the SOH All Access Initiative, which brings disabled adults and children the opportunity to engage more fully with the arts programmes they offer. It was the most wonderful and inspiring of evenings, as you can imagine. But the real surprise for me came as it was time to leave the building foyer near the Utzon Room and Gift Shop.

For there on the wall was the most incredible wall hanging and quote:



“The sun did not know how beautiful its light was until it was reflected off this building”

Louis Kahn – Architect

I felt this immense JOY rise up within me upon reading this, as I realised that this is the same thing for humanity.

I felt a one-ness with the quote.

A parallel. A resonance. A connection.

I suddenly thought ….

We do not fully realise our beauty, until our light is reflected off the people, situations and circumstances that surround us.

You do not fully realise your beauty, until your light is reflected off the people, situations and circumstances that surround You.


Just read that again and let it truly sink in.

You do not fully realise your beauty until your light is reflected off the people, situations and circumstances that surround You.

The realisation of this was so magnificent to me. It made sense of the entire human experience. It filled my soul in one brief moment and I suddenly felt a renewed spring in my step and a slight racing of my heart.

It all seemed so simple.

So perfect.

So true.

In order for us to fully see the beauty that is us – we need to allow our light to shine outward in every direction, so we can then revel in the glory and abundance, that is that very light being reflected back to us, as it interacts with our surrounds.

Our friends. Our interactions. Our connections.

It is only in shining our light that we can access our beauty and all it means.

It is only in shining your light that You can access your beauty and all it means.

Your light needs to shine.

Your light needs to be reflected back to you.

Your light is an important gift that you send out into the world.

Your light is You.

I feel so excited for you as I type this…….and I truly hope you feel the same excitement as you read this blog and realise the true possibility of you.

If you can not see your beauty?

If you can not feel your beauty?

If you can not understand or fathom your beauty?

It is simply because you have not allowed it to shine outward and be reflected back to you yet.

So let that light shine.

As bright as a million stars.

As bright as a neon marker.

As bright as a firefly on a dark night.

Because you were meant to shine your light. For only then can you discover the true beauty of you.

“The sun did not know how beautiful its light was until it was reflected off this building”

And the sun in this story…… Your Story…… You!



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