The Little Pot Of Gold The Universe gave to You!

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Hello to all and welcome back to the ABTY blog,

As is always the case, I am struck by little pearls of wisdom in the most unusual times and places – delivered at the most unsuspecting times! And this one is no different.

In fact, it came from the delightful Keith Urban, as he gave his feedback to a contestant on the singing competition American Idol.

In all honesty, I do not often watch any television anymore, but found myself watching a You Tube clip recommended by a friend of mine, who is a rather wonderful singer. She said that this contestant was truly amazing and special – so I just had to watch. And indeed the lady in question was incredible and inspiring beyond belief.

But it was the comment from judge, Keith Urban, that really struck me.

And this is what he said:

” ………there’s an old saying that goes  - judge yourself not by what you have, but by what you have to give – and boy – do you have a voice to give”

Once again – this may not be an exact replication of his words – but you get the idea. And the concept just resonated with me so profoundly, that it really had me looking at myself in a whole new light.

What can I give to my community?

What do I give to my community?

What do I give?

How can I give?

To whom do I give?

And why do I spend so much time obsessing over what I have, or what I have gathered into a nice little pile for myself all the time?

Is not what I give out more important?

And will not focusing on this ” giving” in fact bring me more JOY?

These questions rolled around, and around, and around, in my head.

And I think it is something, that we can perhaps all take on board.

While we sometimes struggle to earn more and more, and gather more and more stuff around us – perhaps we are missing the point? And that is, that we all have inherent abilities and strengths, that lie within us.

A little pot of gold The Universe gave us to distribute at our will.

Things that come naturally to us.

Things that we sometimes do not appreciate about ourselves, because they are so inherently part of our being.

Perhaps you are a great reader of bedtime stories.

Perhaps you are a great listener when a friend needs a shoulder to lean on.

Perhaps you are a great juniors soccer coach.

Perhaps you are a great provider for your family.

Perhaps your heart is always open, and you give that space for love openly and without expectation to others.

Perhaps you are a great cook and provide amazing meals to those friends and family around you.

Perhaps you are a great singer and bring joy whenever you sing for others.

Perhaps you are a great joke teller and always bring laughter to those around you.

Perhaps you are a loyal and trustworthy friend.

Whatever it is – this is what makes you  - YOU!

This is what defines your contribution to the world.

So it seems to me that Keith Urban was right – It’s all about what you give – not about what you get or what you have.

So for today, I just want to leave you pondering yourself in this different way.

What do you give ?

To your community?

To your world?

To yourself?

Because the quality of those gifts will be reflected right back to you tenfold, and really are the true measure of you.

So always remember -

You have been given a Little Pot of Gold by The Universe to distribute at your leisure.

At your will.

To those around you.

Wherever and whenever you see a need.

What an absolute JOY!

What a gift!

So – judge yourself not by what you have, but by what you give!

And thank you to Keith Urban for the timely reminder, that we all possess the greatest gift of all.




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