Prospecting for Possibility

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Sometimes the world can get you down and things can seem overwhelming. We have all experienced times like this and once again it can be easier to just give up and collapse in a heap, than to move productively through these times.

Sometimes it just seems easier to whinge and wallow. But is this really helping the situation? Perhaps not?

The molehill does not always have to turn into a mountain.

Infact – nothing in insurmountable. Nothing is a problem. Just a different pathway to where you are going. A little less comfortable perhaps. A less familiar path. But why not just “live on the edge “ a little?

Be happy to explore new things. New possibilities. Not for any reason – just because you can. So your life has gone a little off course. Perhaps it was meant to – and when you look back and see the bigger picture you will be happy that you turned off the road when you did.

Perhaps the reward is in the doing. Perhaps the reward will be in the trusting.

Just because.

At these times of challenge, stay alert to all the goodness in the world. Switch off to the negative, because you just do not need it.

Glow. Glitter. Radiate your knowing and trust, that everything will be OK out into the Universe.

Be open to the possibilities.

What possibilities?

Do not bother yourself with such details all the time – as when the time is right all will be revealed to you. When the time is right the possibility will arrive at your doorstep in a blaze of glory, like a knight in shining armour, beckoning you forth to a brand new space, a brand new day, a brand new you and will provide you with all the guidance you need to embrace this new time, this new experience, this new moment.

You just need to trust and to surrender to it.

Contemplation can be a wonderful thing – but nothing beats just getting out there and doing it. But don’t get ahead of yourself and bog yourself down with superfluous questions. They will bog you down like quicksand.

Rise above your questions and let the reality of existence show you in real terms the path that is yours. Be true and honest and nothing can stand in your way.

Light the path.

Water the seed.

Follow the yellow brick road.

Know that if you are doing something, that it is your Destiny and You are learning something invaluable from it.

Learn the Lesson.

Embrace the Light.

Love the Process.

Look for no reward.

The reward is the process.

Try the new and the unexpected.

Dare to fail.

Dare to not care what others think.

Dare to simply be.

No reasons. No excuses. No explanations. No need.

Just Be.

This is the key to a joyful experience on the planet. A place that abounds with exotic, wild, joyous, intoxicating and humbling experiences.

So next time your world seems to not be going to plan, take a step back. Take a deep breath and trust that all will be OK. Be open to other possibilities that you may not have considered before. Take action to rectify the situation – but remain open and flexible to things you may not have considered before.

I am sure we can all agree that hindsight is a wonderful thing. So think back to another occasion in your life when everything went “pear shaped” but yet years on you realized that it was the best thing that could ever have happened to you. This is so very often the case and we can sometimes look back and think “ I can’t believe how upset I was over that when in fact it turned out to be he best thing that ever happened to me”.

I can think of at least four occasions in my own life, when I felt truly devastated by the turn of events in my life, but then years later I thanked my lucky stars that the apparent misfortune befell me. It is incredible how so often the best of Good Fortune comes to us masquerading as Sad and Sorry Days of Grief and Woe.

So – keep a level head and a clear mind. For as sure as the nights are long – the next day will turn up and life will go on no matter what your attitude to it. So you might as well, employ an element of trust that all will work out for the best and step into each day with hope, positivity and possibility.

And that is the key.

So many people simply do not allow for the possibility of things going well.

They do not allow for the possibility of a negative situation turning into a positive one.

They do not expect anything good to come from a perceived “bad” situation.

As I have said in previous posts. You can only manifest in your life what you can conceive of. So conceive that this dastardly occurrence in your life may actually have some lesson, positive outcome or tipping point that is going to change your life or impact your life in a meaningful and or positive way.

If you want possibility to exist in your life than you have to open the door to it and beckon it in.

Like anyone or anything, if you slam the door in the face of possibility all the time it will stop coming to call and the doorbell will remain un-rung.

So next time there is chaos in your life take a different stance.

Look for the lesson.

Choose the best path available.

Be open to possibilities that you may not even have considered and trust that the best option will be made clear to you.

Discover. Love. Be. Trust.


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