
Animal communication – can we really chat with our furry friends?



Recently I have been hearing and reading a lot of talk about Animal Communication. It just seems to be popping up everywhere and even though I do not have a pet of my own, I do have a huge love of nature and believe 100% that we are all connected to nature and all other animals on the planet. I often marvel at what close connections all my pet owning friends have with their various animals and love that feeling of unconditional love that they seem to bring with them to their owners.

For this reason, I thought I would take the opportunity to have a chat with my friend, and animal communicator extraordinaire – Faye Fletcher – and get her to answer what I assume would be most people’s questions regarding this incredible gift.

I trust that those of you with animals in your life will find this blog useful and insightful, and that it will open your mind to the possibilities of communicating with your animal in a new and exciting way.

Christine: First of all Faye, can you explain exactly what you mean by animal communication? How exactly do you speak with or communicate with someone’s pet, when you are clearly both speaking a different language?

 Faye:  Well that’s just it, we are not “speaking a different language”…… Telepathic or silent communication;   imagery, emotions and feelings are tangible senses.

 Animals use a telepathic or silent language.  They send and receive images along with their feelings and emotions.   In fact we were born with these abilities it’s just that we’ve forgotten how to use them.

 When I see a photo of someone’s animal I will “get present or still my mind” and then ask a question. The animal transmits, and I receive, very strong feelings, emotions and see pictures, in my mind, of what the animal wants to communicate.  Let’s do a little exercise to demonstrate….. Read More

Painful, pleasurable or poisonous – there’s perfection to be found

It is so funny, but as soon as I typed in the heading for this blog, Brittany Spear’s “Toxic” started playing over and over in my head. It makes me wonder why I am suddenly drawn to all the memories of the “toxic” relationships in my life as opposed to all the pleasurable ones?

Truth be told however, I do not really consider any of the relationships in my life to be toxic and that is the point if this blog.

Sure  – some relationships are not healthy if they are allowed to fester and continue on, in an abusive or non-productive way. The key when faced with this sort of  dynamic, is to recognize it, learn from it and get the hell out. Even the most pleasurable of relationships can “run their course” and suddenly find a need to be discontinued for a plethora of reasons.

No matter what the relationship: familial, social, romantic or work related, it is important to always see the intrinsic value that can be gained from looking at what that particular relationship has brought to your life experience?

What has this person taught you about yourself?

What would you like to repeat in the future?

What would you like to let go of next time around? Read More

Mr Support and Little Miss Challenge


This is a topic that I have found quite fascinating in recent times, as I didn’t actually connect the dots myself till relatively late ha ha!

As we go through life we tend to be really fond of people who support what we want to do, what we say and what we think. But the truth of the matter is, that in order for us to truly develop our ideas, concepts and goals we need to have both Mr Support and Little Miss Challenge there beside us along the way.

In fact, I would go so far as to say that without these two elements of cheer squad and opposition, it would be very difficult for us to actually figure out what we truly believe in and what avenues to pursue. What we are prepared to fight for? What opinions we will defend to the end? What matters? What is the best path for us to take to get where we are going?

This thought struck me whilst defending my position and plans during a rather robust conversation one evening. My opponent was most decisive in his opinion and was striking blow for blow as we went through our paces. I must admit that I was struggling to keep up at some stages as I was battered with statistical analysis of various types and loads of facts and figures. I guess I tend to argue a point from a more emotive, humanistic or creative/artistic standpoint and the grilling I was getting was substantive. But struggle on I did. So as this was all going on, my mind suddenly wandered off and I thought to myself – “ I really care about this project and I will keep on debating this topic.  It will work. I am sure I can make it work. I want to know more of what I think can work actually. I want to know more of what my LITTLE MISS CHALLENGE for the evening thinks. He has really brought up a lot of great points and I am going to find answers to them. Mmmmmm – I hadn’t considered that etc etc etc ” Read More

Moving forward, in a holding pattern or going backwards?

No matter how young or how old we are. No matter how experienced or inexperienced we feel we are in the Game of Life. No matter how shy or seemingly confident we appear to the outside world, we all have inner dialogues and conversations that tend to inform who we are, how we behave and how we see the world at large. These same dialogues, are often what drive us forward, keep us in a bizarre sort of holding pattern, frozen in time, or hold us back from accomplishing what we are capable of on our life’s journey.

For the past decade, these motivations and inner dialogues are what have held my fascination, and through much soul searching via dozens of seminars, oodles of books and a good degree of spiritual seeking, I one day stumbled upon a memory. A memory that I quickly realized had been the mainstay of my existence till then – pushing me this way, and shoving me that way………most often back to where I felt I belonged!

This memory was based around one little comment. It was a simple comment made by a rather unaware dinner guest when I was a child – but it was a comment that had stuck with me for decades – buried within the depths of my mind, influencing my decisions and causing havoc quite unbeknownst to me. As I listened-in to the adult’s dinner conversation from the children’s play area upstairs in our house, I heard this one seemingly innocuous comment: “ Poor Little Chrissy – she tries so hard but she’ll never be any good”!

Do I remember my parent’s reaction to this comment – no! Do I remember all the compliments and encouragement I no doubtedly received as a child – no!  All I remembered was this one defining commentary on my abilities – that related not only to my now –  but also to my future.

And the prognosis was not good.

Read More

Prospecting for Possibility

Sometimes the world can get you down and things can seem overwhelming. We have all experienced times like this and once again it can be easier to just give up and collapse in a heap, than to move productively through these times.

Sometimes it just seems easier to whinge and wallow. But is this really helping the situation? Perhaps not?

The molehill does not always have to turn into a mountain.

Infact – nothing in insurmountable. Nothing is a problem. Just a different pathway to where you are going. A little less comfortable perhaps. A less familiar path. But why not just “live on the edge “ a little?

Be happy to explore new things. New possibilities. Not for any reason – just because you can. So your life has gone a little off course. Perhaps it was meant to – and when you look back and see the bigger picture you will be happy that you turned off the road when you did.

Perhaps the reward is in the doing. Perhaps the reward will be in the trusting.

Just because.

At these times of challenge, stay alert to all the goodness in the world. Switch off to the negative, because you just do not need it.

Glow. Glitter. Radiate your knowing and trust, that everything will be OK out into the Universe.

Be open to the possibilities.

What possibilities? Read More

Regrets, recriminations and rebuilding. Are you a slave to your past – or trailblazing a future to last?

There are so many times when we seem to live in the past.

Blame the past.

Worry about the past.

Wish to change the past.

But let’s face it. The simple fact is that there has never been a more futile endeavor than sitting about contemplating our past failings…..or successes for that matter.

We live in the now.

We live in the present.

And the only thing we can really control is how we choose to act in the here and now.

If there is one thing I am striving to delete from my experience at this present time, it is regret.

It is the most futile of emotions.

The most futile of places to be.

The most ridiculous waste of time, when all is said and done.

As the great saying goes:

“What’s done is done and can not be undone”

So all we can do is focus 100% on the present. Read More

The voice within – the only true guide to yourself , your soul and your certainty.

I recently came across this most wonderful poem and wanted to share it with you all, as it encapsulates, in a very simple way, the concept of honouring the “voice within” and letting that voice inform your outer world.  Written by Shel Silverstein it really is a incredible verse and I do thank her whole-heartedly for it and for the inward direction to which it has pointed me in my own journey.

As with most things in life – less is more – and I found this brief and succinct verse to be most profound and touching in its simplicity and connection to the truth of our reality.

I invite you to claim your space for the next few minutes, settle in and read the verse below. Read it with intent. Read it with purpose. Read it without the need to rush onto and into the next activity of your day. Allow it settle within you and around you. Allow it to wrap you up like a huge blanket and give you permission to get to know you.

To find you.

To be you.

To honour you. Read More

Turn off. Unplug. And plug in.

In this world of constant-ness, I sometimes feel that we just need to turn off, unplug and plug in. And I mean “unplug” in the literal sense of the word.

Turn off our laptops.

Turn off our televisions.

Turn off our i-pods, play stations and radios.

Turn off the lights.

And just be.

It is quite incredible the peace and centred-ness that can be found simply by turning off all the external “stuff” that we are constantly bombarded with each and every day.

To simply be is an amazing feeling.

The sounds of nature that you can tune into – even when living in an inner city suburb is quite overwhelming and beautiful. The connection is profound and totally different to that of connecting to a television programme or radio show.

They say silence is golden, and this is so very true if you just turn everything off.

To sit and reflect in this way can be a truly magical start to your day. Read More

What you can become depends on what you can overcome – now ain’t that the truth.


  Anthony Douglas Williams – Inside the Divine Pattern

This would have to be one of my favourite quotes of all time, as it is quite emblematic of my own journey thus far, and as such a little poker that keeps prodding me to move forward even though I am constantly full of doubt and uncertainty.

I sometimes wonder if perhaps people read all my blog posts and think to themselves: “ Wow – that Christine really has it together”. When this thought runs speedily through my head and out the other side again, I have to laugh, as nothing could be further from the truth. In fact, it is this indecision and self -doubt that brought me to where I am today, as my motivation is to simply point out to everyone else, that we all feel these sorts of feelings.

It doesn’t matter how confident we may appear to the outside world, everyone I have ever met has some sort of self doubt, fear, worry etc etc

That is just how life is.

Life is meant to be a challenge.

And it  is how we meet these challenges that determines how our life pans out. Read More

The Process Beats the Product – That’s a promise

For many years I had a poster on my wall that read: It’s not the destination, it’s the journey.

And I can not tell you how whole-heartedly I disagreed with this poster. It just did not make sense to me. Not even vaguely. I always followed the philosophy that if you were not going to be the best and get the best result, then there was no point even setting out on the journey or participating at all. Oh –  how wrong I was and on so many levels. And then suddenly, one day, I just got it. It was like a light bulb went off in my little head and it all made sense. And this would undoubtedly be one of the most important realisations I have ever made. Read More