Your health is your true wealth – so do you give it the attention it deserves?

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Nothing pulls your health into focus more starkly and quickly than a personal health crisis and for me that is where I have been for the past month or so. Over Xmas and the holiday season of course, I chose to ignore all the warning signs and carried on having a gay old time with family and friends. Eating and drinking and burning the candle at both ends. But as they say – the time always come to “pay the piper” and that is where I have been for the past 8 days…….paying the proverbial piper ha ha!

Before I continue on, please rest assured that all is well in my world and I can already see huge improvements in my health, with symptoms diminishing daily. My chronic health issue that tends to raise its head whenever I am “out of whack”, has done its job – I have taken notice and attended to my health, lifestyle and mindset. My health being that of mind, body and spirit.

So my questions to you are these:

1. Are you attending to your health on a daily basis?

2. Are you ignoring signs that your body or mind are out of balance?

3. Or are you waiting for your own personal health crisis and challenge to wake you up to a life that is not in balance?

For the past 20 years I have had a keen interest in health, well being and the power of the mind when it comes to health challenges, so today I would like to share some of these insights and developments with you.

There is a myriad of information now accessible to all, that explains the connection between your physical health and your state of mind…….and vice versa. In fact the ancient wisdom traditions, going back thousands of years knew all of this, but with the advent of modern science and our need to prove everything from a scientific stand point, this ancient wisdom and knowledge was put to the side – on the back burner if you will – and considered ” not worthy of consideration” because it could not be proven and seen through scientific demonstration.

The exciting thing now, is that much of this ancient wisdom can now be proven through scientific means and it is flying back into the forefront of modern medicine and consideration. Many of our medical practitioners are now looking for a more “wholisitic” approach that melds modern medicine with ancient wisdom traditions.

For instance did you know that:

1. Stress and lifestyle are major contributors to illness

2. A sense of community, human connection and a sense of belonging, contribute much to our wellness

3. Meditation is a key , scientifically measurable and well documented component to healing the physical body and general health and well being

4.  Many so called “incurable” and “chronic” diseases have been cured through changes in diet, lowering of stress levels, and a change in attitude to self and to life in general

5. Belief in your ability to heal yourself is crucial in bringing your body back to a state of health and balance

6. Yes – you can carry genes and a genetic predisposition to a certain illness, BUT – you have to “flip the switch” and turn the gene on to manifest the disease. Flipping the switch is done by exposing yourself to a toxic environment through poor diet, living in a toxic area, and/or thinking toxic and negative thoughts

Now – I am not a scientist and it is not for me to tell you what to believe – but what if what I am saying is true?

What if there is another element to healing that you can use to support any healing journey?

And what if the greatest healing power on the planet is simply within you?

Would you want to give it a go?

Well today – I simply want to point you in the direction of some fantastic resources and from there you can make your own choices as to what is right for you.

Having gotten my own physical body back on track, at least three times now through change of diet, the use of meditation and a change in attitude to myself and to life in general with a lowering of contributing stress factors, I can only say from my experience that there is certainly something to this.

But as with all things in life – what you choose to investigate, implement and believe is up to you.

So here are some of those great resources to get you back on a road to health and well being:

1. The Biology of Belief – by Bruce H Lipton PHD

This is a great read for the scientifically uninitiated and explains a lot about the scientific proof, research and data to support this theory. It contains stunning new scientific discoveries about the biochemical effects of the brain’s functioning, that show that the cells of our body are effected by our thoughts.

2. Mind Over Matter – by Lissa Rankin M.D

Using extraordinary cases of spontaneous healing, Dr Rankin shows how thoughts, feelings, and beliefs can alter the body’s physiology. She lays out the scientific data proving that loneliness, pessimism, depression, fear and anxiety damage the body.

3. The Connection – Directed by Shannon Harvey

The Connection is a feature documentary that uncovers the latest science in mind body medicine and proves we have much more to say about our health than we thought possible.

I have included the film trailer for this and invite you to visit the website and grab a copy of the DVD if you are unable to find a screening near you.

I was lucky enough to see the film last night in Sydney at Govindas, and have to say that it was more than thought provoking. What struck me though, is how much of the content I have heard before. But I do not say that in a ” oh – I have heard it all before way”, but rather in a ” wow – so many people are saying the same thing, there must be some merit to it all” kind of way.

But like I said – you decide for yourself.

If you are suffering from a serious or chronic medical condition, I strongly advise you to seek medical advice, before undertaking any other course of action. I am not a doctor of any sort and it is not for me to advise you in medical matters………but I am saying that perhaps you can also harness the power of your mind, a change in diet and a change of attitude to yourself and your life to accelerate and/or compliment any traditional treatments you may now be using.

And if you are not experiencing any health difficulties at this time?

I encourage you to investigate these resources anyway,  have a look and see what you think – as prevention is always the better option………let me attest to that ha ha ha!

Dis-ease is a signpost.

Dis-ease is simply your body telling you that something in your life is “out of whack”

Dis-ease is a wake up call that your body, mind and spirit are not “at ease”

Your job is simply to activate your mind, body and spirit to get everything back in alignment, so that it is reflected in good health.

Mind – Body – Spirit – it all goes together as one.

So on that note – I invite you to start your journey of self discovery, into the true power that lives within you

The true power of your mind

The true power of your beliefs

The true power of You

Discover You. Love You. Be You.


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