Does your home rise up to meet you?

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Many years ago, I found myself at home in the middle of the day, and tuned in to watch Oprah. It is amazing to me how sometimes you can just hear something at the perfect time and place, that really resonates with you. And for me this happened on this rainy afternoon.

At the exact moment that I tuned in to the Oprah Show I heard her say: ” Does your home rise up to meet you?”

At the time I had never really given much thought to the environment I was providing for myself on a daily basis, though it must be said that I have always been tidy and organized. But beyond that……..I had not really contemplated the art of creating a true home around me. A home for my soul. A nurturing place for my spirit. A respite from the outside world. I simply lived in a nice place and was happy with that.

But this statement really got me thinking and now 10 years later, I can honestly say that my home does rise up to meet me in every way possible.

So what exactly do I mean by that?

Do I mean that my house literally jumps out at me as I come home every day ha ha ah ha? The bricks and mortar standing to attention as I unlock my front door?

No – of course I do not.

How I have interpreted Oprah’s words, is that my heart rises up and my soul feels complete and safe and nurtured the moment I walk in my front door. For me  - this means a huge canvas painted in blue hues as I enter my apartment. I find this picture so incredibly calming that it soothes my mind and soul the minute I see it. It is actually a “blue nothingness of sorts” and I find that I see whatever I need to see in it from one day to the next. So it is an always changing, but always constant in my life. A calming reflection of the inner world I strive to create for myself each day.

I also have a small balcony within my line of sight that lets in the natural light of the day and is covered in plants [something that I absolutely adore]. There is some immeasurable joy that one gets from tending to a plant and watching it grow.

And then, there is my most comfy of comfy couches. A couch that invites you to sit and ponder. Sit and doze. Sit and just be. Or if you are one of my close friends – sit and fall asleep ha ha.

So as you can see, I have created an environment that I want to walk into. A home that rises up to meet and greet me, like a great bear hug whenever I return from a trip to the outside world.

And this environment that I have created pays off great dividends as it allows me to connect with who I truly am. It allows me to relax – even when busy. It allows me to breathe, even when I feel rushed or tense. It allows me to just be.

So, my blog for today, is simply about creating for yourself, a home that rises up to meet you. A place that sets you heart, mind, body and soul at ease the moment you walk through the door.

Perhaps you can create this by adding an artwork or sculpture or painting to a wall. Placing a small water feature on your balcony or in your garden. A vase of flowers on a table. A small library of books you find inspiring on a side table. A family photo in a prominent position. The choice is yours and for everyone it will be totally different. But definitely worth a thought. You just want to walk in your front door and go ” Ah – I am home”.

Now – not only does what you see create your environment, but so too does what you hear and what you can smell.

And these two elements have made a huge difference to my sense of self and sense of wellbeing when at home.

Firstly  - what can you hear? Or what would you like to hear in your home?

For me – I like absolute silence most of the time. It allows me to think and just be. Sometimes music is an absolute distraction that tends to clutter my mind. However I do have some great Bose speakers, that provide a great ambience when friends pop over for a cup of tea and a chat ha ha. So do not underestimate the power of sound to effect your mood and create a nurturing space. The right “sound” or lack of it around you can make all the difference.

And if you subscribe to the theory that we are all really just a “vibration” of energy, then it stands to reason that the music we surround ourselves with, will interact with our own vibration and set a tone in our environment. Some researchers even claim that the vibrational frequency of the music you play in your environment stays in that environment long after the music has finished playing. So for instance – if you left some lovely harmonious classical music playing while you are out and about, you will return home to a very calming environment, as the residual relaxing vibrational frequency of that lovely classical music will still be working for you and infusing your environment, with a peaceful vibration long after the music has finished playing.

For me I have to say that this is truly the case – but as with all things in life – you need to try it for yourself and see what happens. Perhaps when you arrive home after a busy day, with a group of noisy children in tow, try playing some soulful music quietly in the background – or better still, set the music playing when you head off to collect them, so much of the heavy lifting is done before you even arrive home and you walk in to a calm and peaceful house. Or perhaps, after a busy day at the office, head for your music device of choice and get some old soul tunes playing to calm those shattered nerves, instead of turning on the nightly news and bombarding yourself with more negative stimuli to end your day.

And now for what I find to be an incredible mood changer – the smell.

Have you ever noticed how gorgeous some shops smell. You know the ones. The ones that usually sell soaps and bath products and beauty stuff. Well – one day I asked them, what is the smell? And so my life as an avid “oil burner” and “atomiser user” began.

Placing some gorgeous orange, rosemary and lemon oils in my atomiser each morning does wonders for my state of mind and mood. And many of my friends started commenting on how lovely my house smelled all the time -and it does. And it raises me up and adds to that nurturing effect I feel when I am there.

But – it is the combination of what I see, what I hear and what I smell in my environment that is truly amazing, and now that I am really aware of creating this home that rises up to meet me each and every day, I take great care in all three areas. And for me – it does make a huge difference.

So the challenge for this week is to create a space and home environment that really speaks to your heart and soul and rises up to meet you.

You may be surprised the difference that it makes.

You may also be surprised by what you choose to change or add to your home, as it may tell you a lot about yourself.

You may equally be just as surprised by how happy you are with the status quo.

No matter what the conclusion – the journey will take you to another important little piece of the puzzle that is you.

Discover You. Love You. Be You.

And have a fabulous day.



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