Be Silently Drawn to What you Love

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Let yourself be silently drawn by the strange pull of what you really love. It will not lead you astray “ – Rumi

This is a wonderful quote that I came across recently and I just loved it.

Not just the sentiment of the quote itself but the calming balance and sound of the actual words themselves.

“Be silently drawn” – to me this conjours an image of an easy and effortless attraction to that which is really of interest to you and I think for many people there is this underlying current that flows beneath all they do. An unexplained force that calls them to their way of life. A force that requires no bells and whistles and no fanfare because it simply is. A guiding light that beckons us forth along our path with a quiet and formidable knowingness. It is simply a matter of allowing yourself to wash along with this pull.

Which brings me to the very first part of the quote – “Let yourself be drawn”.

Perhaps this is the area that we find most challenging in life – to simply allow ourselves to go where this inexplicable feeling guides us. And why is that so?

Sometimes there is fear of what other people will think – family, friends and social groups etc or perhaps there is fear of failure or not being good enough? Reasons and thoughts and things that seem to pop up their noisy and not so natural heads and drag us back from the quiet knowing that resides within. This doubt that arises and toys with our inner knowing and guidance is perhaps the artificial voice we need to learn to ignore , silence or switch off to truly follow our heart, our path and our way.

“What you really love” – now this is a difficult one as many of you will claim that you do not know what you love. But from my own personal experience I think it is a cop out to say you do not know. I believe we all know what we truly enjoy and love but for many it is a fear of what other people will think of us if we do it, or a fear of failing in some way, that truly stops us from revealing what we love, to not only the outside world, but to ourselves.

Whilst I really love tap dancing, for instance [this is my other current job and has been for the past 26 years ] – I can not deny that I get untold joy from writing. Writing about life, writing about my perceptions of life, writing my thoughts and feelings, writing about my own challenges and solutions for facing the world in which we live.

So – why do I write this blog?

Because it allows me to fulfil a calling.

Because it tends to a deep part of my soul that is “silently drawn” to commit words to a page and delve into the meaning of life.

Because transferring a concept that lives in my mind and heart to a piece of paper, in a way that connects with other people, allowing them to share my feelings and discover their own, is a true joy I can not describe.

And because it is simply what I love.

Will this pathway turn out to be a folly?

Is it a waste of my time?

Is it a foolhardy pursuit?

I would have to answer – no. As already I feel the contentment that resides within me when I press “post” and send these small offerings out into the Universe.  And more than that – it is something I do with no need for an outcome as such. The writing of the blog is the reward in and of itself and so it requires nothing more than to land on the page for it to be a worthy, worthwhile and uplifting endeavour for me. It’s the old adage of “its the journey not the destination”.

And perhaps that is one of the things stopping many of you from following this “silent drawing”.

Our current societal focus on the destination rather than the journey. So perhaps just take the chance and enjoy the doing rather than the “getting somewhere”.

And for me, I have to say that I am trusting that this inner pull ” will not lead me astray”

For me, this one little quote is truly profound and perhaps contains the meaning of life.

To me it is simply saying – do what you love, follow your heart – and the rest will take care of itself.

So for now, I write.

So for now, I am letting myself be drawn by the strange pull of what I really love.

And to all of you out there living your own lives, I encourage you to do the same, no matter how bizarre, or frivolous, or unusual that pull may seem.

As long as you are not hurting anyone else along the way – go forth and follow the pull you silently feel drawing you to your own destiny and pathway.

If you feel the pull to knit beanies – then start knitting.

If you feel the pull to write a diary – start writing.

If you feel the pull to go travelling for a while – then start planning the trip.

I believe, we truly have wisdom within us that is far beyond what we can truly imagine – so trust this pull and effortlessly drift along.

Who knows where it might take you?

So now I want to leave you with the wonderful words of Rumi once more and I invite you to simply sit with these words for 10 minutes or so.

Just read the quote, close your eyes and see what comes to you – it just may tell you a little about your inner most desires and intuitions.


Let yourself be silently drawn by the strange pull of what you really love. It will not lead you astray “ – Rumi

Discover You. Love You. Be You.

- Christine -


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