Action vs Inaction

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Action vs Inaction – The universe rewards both with equal enthusiasm.

I have often heard it said that The Universe Rewards Action – and I do think that this is indeed the case. But I thought today, I would like to point out that the opposite is also true and just as powerful.

The Universe Rewards Inaction with as much force and reliability as it does its opposite counterpart.

There are so many sayings that move around this point:

“ You get out what you put in”

“ You get what you give”

“So you sow, so shall you reap”

And I have to say that there is a reason so many sayings revolve around this one simple concept.

It is true.

To give you a very simple analogy, let’s look at the purchasing of a gym membership.  If you buy a year’s gym membership but only visit the gym once in the entire year, you will not get full value or results from that membership.  You have to take Action and actually turn up to the gym three or four times a week, in a constant and regular manner to see the results. If you buy a hammer to fix a cupboard at home but then decide not to fix the cupboard, the purchasing of the hammer will be null and void. It is not the hammers fault you did not follow through and take Action and the Universe will reward you justly with a cupboard that remains broken and unfixed.

It is so important for us all to take responsibility for our Actions and equally for our Inactions, and realize that there is always a consequence to the Action or Inaction we choose to take.

We have the Controls. We have the Power. We have the Choice.

The only way to bring about any change in your life, is to take positive and sustained actions that are different to what you are currently doing .It is as simple as that. And yet, people seem to be constantly bamboozled by not achieving certain goals or objectives.

If you have a particular goal or you are wanting to move in a different direction in some area of your life then you have to take Action. And the more often you repeat this action and solidify the fact that you are moving into new territories, the more you will see changes in your situation. The more you will move towards your goal.

But in the same way, the Universe will equally reward and react to Inaction.

If for instance you wish to look slimmer but you have not yet started to feed your body more nutritious foods and you have not yet started some sort of exercise programme, The Universe will reward your Inaction by not changing the way you look and feel at all. This is not rocket science.

Good intentions and visualizing your new life are very powerful tools indeed, but you also have to take Action towards the goals you have set yourself, in order to achieve them. It is such a simple and obvious thing but yet many people seem to stumble with this.

How often do you hear people saying things like:

“ I just wish I could lose weight”

Question: “ well what Action have you taken to move in that direction? Have you redesigned your eating regime, your attitudes and beliefs around weight and added in some more exercise options?”

“ I just wish I could earn more money”

Question: “ well what Action have you taken to move in that direction? Have you looked at courses you could do to upskill or re-skill to put yourself in a position to seek a higher rate of pay? Have you reconfigured your attitudes and beliefs around your earning capacity? Have you investigated other work options and put feelers out in other directions?”

It is true that there are some people living in really bad circumstances the world over who have less ability to chart their own course effectively. But for the majority of us living in the free world, we do have choice and that is often the choice of Action or Inaction. The choice of effort or no effort.

So the next time you are complaining about some aspect of your life, perhaps just take a step back and ask yourself: what Action have I taken to move this aspect of my life into another direction? If you discover that you have taken no Action at all and are in fact stuck in a position of Inaction, the next question might be to ask: why am I not taking any Action on this issue?

Most times you will get one of two answers to this question:

A – Mmmmmmm – I actually do not really want this thing badly enough to take action so I think I will just let it go


B – Mmmmmmmm – I really would love to go for that goal or thing but I am so scared of the effort involved, or scared of someone else’s opinion or fearful of failure that I have yet to take action.

If you fall into the A category – then you can stop beating yourself up about it and decide that you really were just clinging to someone else’s idea of what would be fabulous and it really doesn’t interest you. Put it to rest and move on contentedly with your life as it is. Things will stay the same  – as you want them to be – and the Universe will dutifully reward your Inaction.

But – if you fall into the B category – then you have some thinking to do. You need to look at the goal, get yourself inspired and take the required Action to move you towards where you want to be. Move past the fear of failure and past the fear of other people’s opinions and most importantly, past the apathy that has you not taking Action.

Of course, if these are really impactful decisions, with serious repercussions you must also seek the appropriate professional advice to ensure that your actions do not negatively effect your life or impact you in a way you are not expecting. My advice here is of course general in nature and any legal, financial, mental or medical matters should always be discussed with a professional before taking Action.

But the key message here is.

Life Rewards Action


Life Rewards Inaction.

So weigh your options, seek professional counsel and move to where you want to be.

Because you can be certain of one thing for sure – your life experience will not change in any meaningful way, unless you take Action to push it along in the direction of your Choice.

So – take Action and take your life to where you want it to be

And remember – Life Rewards Action and Inaction Equally.

Discover. Love. Be.

 - Christine -

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