Living in our heads – that’s where it really happens

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Now here is a thought for you!

What if everything that we experience in our reality is heavily impacted by what is going on in our heads?

What if our thoughts create our reality?

What if we can harness the extraordinary power and energy of our thoughts to create the life of our choosing?

What if we can alter our experience of life by simply choosing new and empowering thoughts?

By choosing to plant healthy, proactive seeds in the garden of our mind?

Well there are many people who claim this is be the case.

My favourite quote on this topic is below:














My response to this wonderful text is a life -affirming YES!

Yes – life is in our heads and in every thought that passes through our experience. And so it follows, that it is also at our very own fingertips – and so very accessible to us all. And this is where it is so very easy for us to go so wrong.

Making the realization, that the life we are living in our heads has such a huge impact on the life that is then actualized, brought to reality and found at our proverbial fingertips, is easier said than done perhaps.

Perhaps if we spent more time cultivating our minds and harnessing the power that resides there, we would find our life experiences to be a little more rewarding and up to our expectations.

How wonderful life is when we view it the right way. How wonderful life can be when the conceptualized version of events that germinates in our wildest thoughts and dreams, can be molded into a positive stream of thought from where we can build our reality.

It has taken me so many years to realize this simple fact.

So many years wasted in negative preamble.

So many moments lost in an unharnessed grey matter.

The sayings that revolve around this one little truth are endless – but oh so true.

Our thoughts create our reality.

Like attracts like.

What we think – so we become.

To put things in their most simplistic terms – your life is what you expect it to be.

Have you ever noticed how people who love to complain about everything seem to find each other, so they can wallow together. Whilst those who have a cheerful, can-do attitude also seem to find their way to each other’s door.

And the two do not seem to mix .

It is a simple Law of the Universe. What you put out there is what you get back.

And birds of a feather certainly DO flock together!

What you think, so you shall become.

What you can conceive of can become your reality.

So – be on the pulse. Be ready to go. Be grateful. Be thankful for all that is. Embrace your emotions – all of them – the complete gamut – they all have something to offer and to teach.

Experience every inch of the spectrum and guard your thoughts wisely, as they will indeed inform your experience in your physical reality.

Breathe in the good life. See the good life. Become the good life.

Everything is for the taking and things can be whatever you want them to be. But you have to imagine it first. You have to conceive of it first.

You have to believe in it 100% first.

This is not to say that you dream of some grand existence and then sit around waiting for it to happen. Nothing could be further from the truth. But the visualizing, or imaging, or thinking, of what your ideal life would look like is definitely the first step to getting it into existence.

Once you have conceived of your vision, then you need to take the all important action steps to make it a reality. All the time “vibrating” at the level needed to attract like- minded people and opportunities to you.

To my mind you can look at this concept in three different ways.

From a scientific perspective.

From a metaphysical perspective.

From a logical perspective!

And all these perspectives seem to intersect in a rather interesting fashion.

This is a topic that is currently bringing both the scientific community and metaphysical community together.

Many scientists are talking about the power of energy and vibration. The power of the subconscious mind. For those wanting to delve into this in a more scientific manner, Bruce H. Lipton, PH.D has a wonderful book called The Biology Of Belief: Unleashing the Power of Consciousness, Matter and Miracles.

It is a great read and for the uninitiated scientists amongst us he makes the whole concept quite easy to follow from a scientific perspective. There are a few chapters that will challenge those of you who like me, are not from an academic/scientific background – but all in all it really makes everything so clear and readily understandable for all readers.

And then from a metaphysical perspective we have access to the words of Abraham [via Esther and Jerry Hicks]  who as you may or may not know speak a lot about the importance of our vibration and aligning to what we want to attract. Many forms of energy healing also talk about this magical “vibration”.

Put simply, you want to raise your vibration, so you attract the positive experiences that you are seeking into your life.

And for those looking for a simple and logical approach, take a normal social environment. If you were going out for an evening and you saw a group of really sad and depressed people sitting all hunched and huddled in a corner – would you choose to go and sit with them?

Most likely –  not. Not unless you were also feeling miserable.

In most scenarios, we gravitate to the people in the room who are looking cheerful, happy, engaged in the proceedings and looking positive. Like attracts like! The people who are wanting to have a great time and are actively participating in an activity will all flock together whilst the “ho hum” brigade will also find each other and miss every opportunity to have fun that the evening presents.

I know this for a fact as I have been on both sides of this story many a time.

So – what is the message here?

The seconds that pass by are nothing but the past. And the future is yet to come. So be present in the now. Be fully here in the now and see how the world can take on a new, fresh and exciting edge.

To be or not to be?

To live or to watch on from the sidelines?

Participate in every moment  - because you are your experience. You create your experience.  You are your life –  and no-one else can live it for you.

One of my favourite sayings is: “ If you can’t change what is happening around you, then change your attitude to it”

This is such a profound statement and again – so very true.

Sit with it for a while and let it float about in your head.

If you can’t change what is going on around you – then change your attitude to it.

Simple. Easy. Definitive.

Our perception is everything.

Our perception can be rainbows and stardust or dark clouds and lots of rain.

So check your thoughts regularly.

Watch out for unnecessarily negative preamble.

Expect things to go well.

Feel happy and centred and full of hope.

Create that space that will attract what you want towards you.

Go out into each day with a zest for life and a belief that it can be great….because it can.

Be the experience you want to have.

Feel like the experience you want to have.

And finally you will have the experience you want to have.

If you do not believe in the ability you have to create wonder in your life, how can you possibly expect anyone else around you to join you on your journey to greatness.

- Christine -

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