Decisions: Delightful, Delicious and De-Lovely

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It seems quite ironic to me that I would choose the above title for this particular blog, as for the majority of my life I have found the process of making decisions arduous and nerve wracking to say the least. In the midst of my worst years, even the simple act of ordering a meal at a restaurant would see me become quite fraught and stressed, with a regular bout of food envy in play once everyone else’s meals arrived at the table.

“ I should have had the beef”

“ I wish I had ordered the chicken”

“ I knew I should have had the lamb”

These were all regular and constant refrains – much to the consternation and aggravation of my ever-suffering dinner companions and family members.

To say I was an irritating dinner guest would have to be an understatement ha ha ha.

Move forward a few years and look at me now. I am simply full of aplomb and no regrets when ordering a meal. It is a wonder to behold.

So how did I move forward from this fear of decision-making?

How did I make the all- encompassing leap to take a chance on a steak dinner without breaking into a sweat?

The answer is relatively simple.

I finally realized [again some of my family would argue that they are still waiting for me to fully actualize this concept in my own life ha ha ha ]  – that decisions are actually the brightness in our day – not the darkness.

Decisions are what point out that we actually have options in most things that we do.

Decisions are the most acute form of power that we have in our lives.

Decisions bring colour and movement into our days.

Decisions are gold!

So – it may just be whether we are having the chicken or the fish – but no matter how small the decision is, it gives us the right to choose. To add something different to our routine. To change it up a bit. Or leave it the same.

The choice is yours.

Living in Australia I am even more cognizant of the luxuries constantly surrounding me when it comes to making decisions.  Despite being a woman – I can go where I want, when I want, whenever I choose.  I can speak my mind and choose my own clothes. I can go out where I want, when I want and with whom I want. And this is not a luxury afforded all women, children and people of the world. So apart from the colouring in of my day that making a decision affords me, I now also realize that it is a right and luxury not extended to everyone on the planet unfortunately.

So – where once I used to become frustrated by decisions. I now see them as an incredible tool to colour my life and exercise my free will. Whether that be in ordering a meal or taking on decisions of more importance.

Decisions = Choice = Opportunity = Gold.

The other thing I finally realized is that there are no bad decisions.

There are just decisions.

They do not require an adjective to describe them.

Decisions are simply a wonderful function that direct us to a new place. A new path. Or maybe back to an old, familiar well worn trajectory.

As long as you are moving, learning, travelling down one of life’s many options – all is good. If you come to realize that the path chosen is not the best for your tastes, then simply change course. Find another path. Make another decision.

If you do not wish to be at the beach anymore, then seek out a forest.

If you are tired of eating fish and chips, go get yourself a steak.

Nothing in this life is set in concrete. Everything is a variable. And this is what makes our lives exciting and challenging. This variable. This unknown. This choice. This opportunity to make a decision and take the reigns on our existence.

Imagine what the world would be like if there was no power of choice? And nothing to choose.

No variables. No change.

Imagine you were born with a certain group of friends, lived in a certain town, had certain beliefs, and you knew with a certainty that these could never change. You knew that every day would be the same, day in and day out with very little chance of new experiences coming your way. Mmmmmmm – not the optimum existence for most people I would think?

And yet we tend to complain when we have to make a decision. Or when we need to make change.

Lost friends. Lost lovers. Lost jobs.

These are not bad things at all, but merely an opportunity to seek out change. This signifies that all the lessons to be learnt here are done and dusted and you need to move on to new people and new topics.

So perhaps we do not need to mourn the passing of certain friendships and situations, but rather we can embrace the opportunity it brings. And when any sort of decision presents itself, just remember there is no right or wrong.

All decisions are simply a mechanism to direct you somewhere. When you get there you can decide if you wish to continue in that direction, double back to where you started or change course completely. So try to see them as the wonderful kaleidoscopic opportunity they represent.

Decisions are colour.

Decisions are movement.

Decisions are a grand luxury not afforded to all.

Decisions are opportunity wrapped up in a great big bow.

So – next time to have to make a decision, cast your mind back to this page, consider the entire palette at your disposal and colour your world with the hues of your choice.

De-loverly Decisions.

­- Christine-

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