If there is one analogy I use a lot in life, it is that of being a tree. Perhaps it is because trees are one of my favourite things in the world and I find them so inspiring… Read More
Many years ago I was attending a conference where I had the decided pleasure of hearing the incredible, Deepak Chopra speak. It was a seminar focused on Happiness and how we can bring more moments of Happiness into… Read More
I recently came across this most wonderful poem and wanted to share it with you all, as it encapsulates, in a very simple way, the concept of honouring the “voice within” and letting that voice inform your outer… Read More
In this world of constant-ness, I sometimes feel that we just need to turn off, unplug and plug in. And I mean “unplug” in the literal sense of the word. Turn off our laptops. Turn off our televisions…. Read More
This is, for me, one of the truest of all the proverbs I know and one that I advocate quite strongly for, given its importance as I see it in our modern world. As someone who also finds… Read More