The healing power of tears

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Well hello to all and welcome back,

In recent times I have found myself close to tears throughout my days. Every day really, in quite a relentless fashion.

Sometimes for no apparent reason at all – I just well up and the tears start flowing.

Drinking a coffee with a friend, driving to a work function, having a shower……I am just suddenly overwhelmed with grief and sadness.

Or I could be watching the television and suddenly something just sets me off and the tears come again. In fact there seems to be an enormous well that has suddenly appeared within my soul and I just need to get this emotion and feeling out.

I am not sure why this is – but what I do know, is that it is so very important to let this grief flow through me and back into The Universe.

What I do know is that it is not at all healthy to keep this sort of emotion and grief locked inside me and it is so important to give myself the space I need to grieve.

What exactly I am grieving for I am not yet sure.

There have certainly been some challenging moments for me both personally and professionally in the past few months – but I feel instinctually that my tears are not actually about me.

I feel intuitively that my tears are for the Planet.

For us as a collective.

For the society we have become.

For the world I find myself in.

For the humanity I see celebrated all around me and the humanity I see left to ruin.

For the things we celebrate as a society and the things we choose to ignore.

For the desperation of the many at the hands of the few.

For the machinations of our world and how it works.

For the people chosen to have screen time and opportunity to find influence and those with a deep integrity who seem left by the wayside.

For the helplessness I feel, despite all I am trying to do in my own small way – to make the world a better place.

A friendly place.

A soulful place.

A loving place.

So I thought to myself, as I rose from my slumber this morning ” I can not be the only person feeling this grief ?”

” I can not be the only person feeling this helplessness?”

So today – all I want to do is encourage any of you out there, any of you who may be feeling the same way as I am at this time, to let it go!

You have to let the grief out.

Whether it be grief and sadness for the planet, for yourself, for your situation or for any other reason.

Grief and sadness that is left to fester within your body is really damaging and some say, can be the cause of physical disease.

So – grab a pillow and scream into it and get that energy moving.

Or simply sit with a box of tissues and let those tears flow long and hard until there is nothing left.

And if you can – find someone to share this burden with you and tell them how you are feeling. The simple act of telling a friend that you are struggling with these feelings and emotions can go a long way to releasing the grief, sadness, frustrations and anger that you are experiencing.

But please – do not keep it all bottled up within yourself.

You – me – us – we need to let this emotion out to keep the energy flowing in a healthy way around us.

So today – have a cry and let the pain go.

Feel that sadness and grief and then let it go.

For your own best interest – you must let it out and keep the energy flowing through you.

And then – set about making your world the best it can be. That is all you can do.

#DiscoverYou #LoveYou #BeYou



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