Depression, anxiety and my top 5 tips for getting back on top.

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Hello to all and welcome back,

In recent times I have struggled with quite terrible depression and yet for many people around me, they would perceive me as very jolly and in control. I mean, I write this very upbeat blog after all and all my Facebook posts are so cheerful and positive. Surely I must be living the perfect life and have everything under control?

Well, as it happens, I am the perfect example that things are not always as they appear to be. And for that reason I have decided to write about it, in the hope that others of you out there, who may be suffering in silence and feeling all alone, will find a ” way out” of the void that can so quickly grab you and swallow you up.

Because there is nothing worse than that feeling of nothingness.

There is nothing worse than not wanting to get out of bed in the morning.

And there is nothing worse than feeling like there is no point in getting up and that you are all alone.

If you are like me, you may not like to share your feelings, troubles and worries with many people, as you feel that it is not what they want to hear. People generally prefer to hear all your upbeat stories of happy times and conquering moments.

Family can get sick of you moaning, and only the best of friends can really be counted on to truly understand, and be there for you in these moments of true need.

So today I want to present to you the things that I find are my ” get out of jail free cards” whenever I am faced with a bout of depression. For again, if you are like me, these bouts come in waves and perforate the fabric of your life, as an ever present possibility. Just waiting to be ripped and torn open to expose you lying beneath.

A possibility that can present itself at any time, regardless of the actual reality of your existence at that time.

Regardless of your successes.

Regardless of your accomplishments.

Regardless of the love and attention of those around you.

The abyss can simply claim you suddenly and without warning…….and there you are. Struggling to stay afloat and see the world in the joyous splendour you know it to be.

Under the waves of loneliness.

Under a sea of anxiety.

Under a heaviness of self doubt, that can be all encompassing and hard to shift.

If you resonate with this at all and find yourself battling such challenges, then I write this blog to give you some comfort and hope.

And most importantly, to give you options, to get you out from under this weight when it falls upon you.

Now – these strategies may not work for you at all or they may be perfect for you. I do not know. I simply know what has worked for me. So try them out and keep what works for you:

  1. Get up and get out in nature: that’s right. As hard as it may be to get up – make yourself do it and go for a walk in nature. Out into a park, or by the beach. Just walk and walk and walk. With each step, simply focus on your breathing – in and out, in and out, in and out.  In many cultures, the act of conscious walking is seen as a meditation of sorts. The sunshine will also do you an incredible amount of good. Nature is curative in so many ways and costs nothing. So please – make it a habit to go for a walk every day – especially if you are feeling depressed or anxious. It may do you the world of good.

2. Try listening to a meditation CD that connects with you and makes you feel positive about how you engage with the world around you. This may sound a bit weird or even a little narcissistic, but I listen to my own CD/MP3: Meditations for Life as it truly grounds me and connects me to myself. There are 4 tracks and they raise my vibration and make me feel like I have a purpose on the Planet, whilst also getting rid of my negative self talk. Track 3 “The I AM Power Affirmation” and Track 4 ” The Peace, Harmony and The Ripple Effect” really get me back on track. You can buy these and use them if you like – or simply use any meditation CD or download that works for you. [ there are many free meditations on line these days ] Changing your thought patterns and energetic vibrations are key to battling your way out of depression. So get a ” go to CD ” to assist you when you are feeling down. Classical music can be very soothing too or a CD of a musical style that allows you to feel calm may also do the trick.  But trust me when I say that music and meditation are hugely beneficial in altering your mood and state of mind – so use it. If you would like to try my ABTY CD here is a link to the download:

3. Volunteer to help someone who is in more need than you: this is such a great way to shift any negativity that is hanging around, from my experience. There is always someone who is in a worse position than you, so offer to assist them in any way you can. Offer to mow an elderly neighbours lawn. Join an organisation that feeds the homeless and volunteer once a week.  Offer to sweep a friends porch. Cook dinner for a friend who is busy. Get moving on a project you have – no matter how small the step may seem  - just get started. There are endless things you can do here to contribute to the betterment of your community – and doing so will help you feel purposeful and useful and connect you back to you again :-)

4. Confide in a friend: if you have just one friend you can truly trust – then invite them to lunch or coffee and share with them how you are feeling. A true friend will be willing to listen when life is not going to plan and as they say: ” a problem shared is a problem halved”. Keeping your anxiety bottled up is not healthy, so confide in a friend. And if you do not have a friend with whom to share, perhaps consider calling a hotline or counselling service to remove this burden from yourself. Getting your anxiety out is really important – so make sure to share.

5. Schedule an early morning appointment to make sure you get up and get going: this can be key if you are having trouble getting going each day. So schedule something first thing in the morning. It may be a doctor’s appointment, coffee with a friend, a business meeting that is important, a gym session with a trainer, a jog with a friend, a lesson in something you love like singing or dancing or knitting or boxing. But schedule something for which you will be accountable. That is – an activity where you are meeting someone else and so have to turn up. This is a great way to get yourself going and to beat the blues, as once you are up and going, the day seems to take care of itself.

So there they are. My top 5 ways to beat the blues.

Of course – if you are battling severe or crippling depression, I strongly urge you to seek medical advice and see a qualified professional as soon as possible.

In Australia – call Beyond Blue on: 1300 22 4636

If overseas – please seek assistance from a local organisation.

And most importantly of all – please know that you are not alone.

Many of us feel depressed, low or anxious at times – and that’s OK!

But there are ways to handle it and climb back on top again.

Again – if you are interested in my CD – here is a link to our online shop where you can find the CD and MP3 download:

So – I trust that by sharing my own experiences today, some of you feel a little bit better about your own down days and realise that we all have them.

Till next time – stay true to you and know that you can work your way out of whatever is bothering you. You just need to have a plan and a little faith in you.

#DiscoverYou, #LoveYou, #BeYou






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