Hi Everyone and welcome to the blog,
Today I simply want to share with you another great quote from Abraham.
This quote requires little explanation from me, so I simply wish to act as a conduit and set it before you, for you to reflect upon at your leisure.
So without further ramblings – here is the quote:
The expansion of the Universe and the evolution of all species is dependent on contrast.
How could you ever decide what you do want, without living some of what you don’t want? And so, be easy on yourself! Do not try to hold yourself to the impossible standard of only being in a place where everything is exactly as you want it to be. If you could do that you would cease to exist.
Excerpted from: Sedona, AZ on March 15, 2014
Our Love,
Esther (and Abraham and Jerry)
I just love this quote, as it very quickly puts into focus all those times I have experienced things that are not quite what I am looking for.
All those experiences that have helped me see, ” what I do want” in my life, by virtue of giving me some of what I don’t want.
The funny thing to me, is that there a quiet a few things that I thought I did want – until I actually had them ha ha ha ha!
And no doubt you are the same – we all are I suspect !
The only way to truly see if something gels with what you want in your life, is to have it in your life. Imagining it is there, or thinking about it happening to you, is just not the same as it actually materializing into your life experience.
So – when these things happen, that you realise you do not want – do not despair.
Simply thank the Universe for providing the clarity that you needed.
Simply thank the Universe for showing you exactly what you do not want in your life.
Simply thank the Universe for providing a yard stick by which to measure your true desires.
And thank you Abraham and Esther & Jerry Hicks for this most succinct appraisal of the situation.
Perfectly to the point!