Does Happiness = Success or does Success = Happiness? Your answer to this one question could hold the key to your life experience.

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Well today I have sprung out of bed with a renewed enthusiasm for life in general and I think this has been predicated by my posting of the above idea on Twitter yesterday.

The question simply is – in your life : Does Happiness = Success or does Success = Happiness.

I guess it is a little bit of the old ” what comes first the chicken or the egg” scenario.

And at first glance this can seem like quite a simple conundrum – nothing too profound.

But upon further reflection you will most likely find that your answer to the question or more importantly your belief about the relationship between Success and Happiness will have far reaching effects on how you live your life and how you feel about your life in general.

It is uncanny, that sometimes I write things and then afterwards they really cause me to stop and think. And that little Twitter post did just that. I just kept coming back to it over and over throughout my day, rehashing it in my brain. Twirling it about in my subconscious and letting it settle where it needed to reside. Where it needed to “wake me up” to what I needed to give some more attention to at the moment in my own life.

And attention it did get.

What I suddenly realised is that most of the world has got it all wrong.

We have it all backwards.

That is most of us rush about looking for, and aiming for some elusive thing called success, while the real success in actually in achieving happiness in your life – in whatever form that entails. Our vision and purpose is all askew and adrift.

Now this success as most of us perceive it, can come in all manner of forms, depending on who you are. To some of you it might be incredible wealth, to some it may be a close knit loving family, to some it may be validation from your peer group and career circle, to some it is fame and adulation, to others feeling and expressing your creativity and to some it is being able to retire comfortably. The list goes on and on….

But what if the Happiness is actually meant to be the driving factor in our lives – not the Success?

That is – what if the simple act of enjoying your life in whatever form that may be is what brings the success. What if the success is actually in finding happiness and contentedness in just being?

If this is true, then we are all jumping about the Planet like a proverbial ” frog in a sock” when all we really need to do is relax, enjoy and be. And in the simple functioning of our lives – and enjoying every moment of our work, family and social lives – we will have found success.

What if our primary reason for being on the Planet is not to pursue Success but to actively pursue Happiness?

And what if the establishing of that Happiness is indeed the mark of true Success?

When you really think about this for a moment it really does turn a lot of what we have been taught on its head.

Now I am not saying for a minute, that we all just sit about and do nothing. Of course, having a sense of purpose in your life is paramount to feeling a sense of well being, as contributing to the Planet in some way brings enormous feelings of joy and contentedness.

However, if the focus in our minds was to change from  - Being Successful to……. Being Happy :-)

That could really be a game changer.

Imagine if you made all your decisions based on whether or not they would bring you happiness.

Imagine if children at school were taught that their purpose in the World was to figure out what brought them joy and happiness and to then pursue that?

Imagine if we valued our own Happiness as much as we value that elusive thing called – Success.

With the irony of the entire thing being that true Success would have been achieved effortlessly, as a by product of sorts, once we find Happiness.

This is a concept that simply stopped me in my tracks and I am proud to announce that I am now fully fully dedicated to my Happiness.

And let me tell you, this altering of the balance between these two things, changes the ballgame so much it is unbelievable.

My mission in life has now changed from Being Successful to Being Happy.

Am I no longer working………ha ha ha ha – no, of course not.

I am sitting here writing this blog with renewed enthusiasm and purpose.


Because it makes me so incredibly Happy to write.

It fills my little soul with total joy to put these ideas down on paper and send them out into the Universe for anyone to find and read and enjoy.

Is my motivation Success……..nope. My motivation is Happiness.

And ironically, because I am happy I now have a feeling of that elusive thing called Success.

What a moment ha ha ha.

What a realisation.

What a day.

In a nutshell, all you have to do, is discover what makes you Happy and you will have found Success. Life is actually meant to be easy  - the simple act of self discovery by virtue of trial and error, adventures and experience, missteps and misjudgements, courage and expansion.

The Success comes from the Happiness you find when you are living the life you were born to live. From the Happiness you find when you are expressing the real You. The Happiness that comes from spending time in pursuits that you love with people you care about. The Happiness you find when you give yourself permission to simply be you.

When you fully realise and actualise this one little statement: IT’S OK TO BE ME!!!

So – now is the time for you to look at which way you have these two concepts sitting in your own life.

What relationship do Success and Happiness have for you?

If you have it all bottoms up – there is still time to choose to change.

The choice is yours

#DiscoverYou #LoveYou #BeYou

And have an Incredibly, Wonderfully Happy Day

- Christine -

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