Change your perspective and change your life.

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It is interesting to me how a simple change in one’s perception of an event can cause an “about turn” in how you relate to that particular event. And when I saw the quote below it really struck a chord with me and I thought to myself: if I extended this change of perspective right out to the very fundamental principals with which I view life – what a huge shift that could bring.

So now it is for you to decide if this is a shift that you would like to make too – as I really did find this quite profound and it immediately had me thinking about my life in a whole new way.

A liberating way.

An encouraging way.

An adventurous way.

An ” I can give anything a go” kind of way.

Life suddenly became so full of possibility, as opposed to full of pitfalls, traps, mistakes and challenges to be negotiated and worked through.

My life opened up in an instant and perhaps this one little quote may do the same for you. So here it is for your consideration and pleasure:

Life is not a problem to be solved, but a mystery to be experienced

Frank Herbet [ science fiction author ]

Wow – doesn’t that one little sentence make you want to throw caution to the wind and jump aboard the train of life. What a party! So much to experience and discover and learn along the way. One great big mystery tour, that is specifically designed to be a mystery.

No longer did I need all the answers.

No longer was I bogged down in trying to solve some impossible puzzle.

No longer did I feel left out for not having all the answers.

For me  - that one little sentence was earth shatteringly great news. A wonderful concept that I decided to immediately embrace, with all the enthusiasm I could muster.

In that one moment when I read this quote for the first time, my life turned on a dime and I suddenly felt a strange calm wash over me.

Life is simply a mystery….. I thought.

Life doesn’t have to be “figured out”

Life simply just has to be. And we just have to let go and “be” with it.

Perhaps we have made this whole journey a lot more complicated than it needs to be?

Life is not a problem to be solved, but a mystery to be experienced

Not a problem to be solved – really?

A mystery to be experienced – wow!

How exciting! I felt like I had suddenly been invited to the “cool kid’s party”.

And all I had to do was experience it –  and go along for the ride.

Like all great mysteries though,  I discovered that you can not help but seek an answer. And that is what makes the mystery so great.

So much fun.

So tantalising.

So intriguing and captivating.

The guessing ….

The not knowing …

The pure supposition …

The puzzle …

It is all the not knowing that provides us with such a sense of fun and adventure.

But for some reason – we tend to forget this in The Mystery Of Life.

The Greatest Mystery Of Them All.

So perhaps we could all do with changing our perspective somewhat and relaxing our expectations of what we need to know with certainty.

For it is without this assuredness that we truly come alive and burst forth into the totality of who we can be. Blossoming in ways we could never have fathomed, had certainty been in place.

It is with the questioning and uncertainty that the Game of Life captures our hearts and imaginations. Spurring us on to feats previously unknown and into waters  previously unchartered.

It is with this sense of ambiguity that life retains its mystery and with it – its intrigue and interest.

So what I am suggesting is that we all relax and enjoy the uncertainty.

Buckle up for the ride and release your expectation to know where everything is leading, how you will get there and what the results will be.

Life is a Mystery!!

It is meant to be a mystery.

Ha ha ha ah ha – who knew? It was designed specifically that way to keep us engaged in what is going on.

Imagine if you were watching a murder mystery on the television, but before it started they told you every twist and turn, what the character’s motivations were, at exactly what time the murder would be committed, who was the murderer, why they did it, how they were caught and whether or not they went to jail and for how long.

I am guessing that not too many people would tune into that.

And perhaps – just perhaps – Mr Herbert was closer to reality than he realised when he coined this phrase.

Perhaps we would not tune into our own lives, if they were all perfectly mapped out for us with no opportunity for change, diversion or choice.

So this mystery – this great unknown – is perhaps the most incredible gift we have ever been given. But we have all just been looking at it in the wrong way.

Perhaps we all just need a change in perspective.

A change in our thinking.

A change in our relationship with life.

And on that note – I invite you to embrace all that is unknown in your own life.

Because the unknown means possibility.

The unknown represents choice.

The unknown brings with it excitement and adventure.

And the unknown, can take off in any number of directions and bring untold pleasure, learning and growth.

Embrace the Mystery.

Love the ride.

Take the chances.

#Discover You. #Love You #Be You

 - Christine -

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