Hello Everyone and welcome back to the blog,
If you a regular reader you will know that earlier this year I went to Sedona, in Phoenix, Arizona to attend a workshop with Caroline Myss. This was followed by a series of ” shamanic endeavours” amongst the red rocks of Sedona. Guided hikes with people who are intrinsically connected with nature and have a different view on the world.
It really was profound and moving and incredible in so many different ways.
And there is one experience I had with a guide / shaman that I wish to share with you all.
A simple experience that packed a punch and set me thinking.
On this particular day, we started by stopping our car and getting out to take time to view the scenery before us.
And this is what we did.
We simply stood and focused on the scene that was unfolding in front of us on that sunny morning.
Now – for this blog to be truly effective, what I need you to do right now, is to stop reading and go and look at the scenery that is currently around you. It could be the view out your window, a park across the road, a cliff top at the end of your street, a little garden near your house or apartment. But do not come back to this blog until you have been able to take in a view somewhere and settle with it for a while. Spend about 15 minutes just taking in the view before you and then come back.
OK – off you go – and see you soon.
Okey dokey.
You are back………
Now I simply want you to write down what you saw.
That is it simple and easy. Just write down what you saw – in whatever words you choose to express it and when you have finished just sit back and look at what you wrote.
And this is where the mirror comes in.
Whatever you have written on that piece of paper in front of you……….. that is what is within you.
So read those words again – and know that whatever you have seen in that vista you visited – that is what is living within you right now.
If you chose words like peace, magnificence, beauty, wisdom of the ages, connectivity, joy, possibility – then that is what is living within you.
But equally – if you chose words like chaos, turmoil, busyness, rubbish, etc etc - then that also is what is living within you at this moment.
Now you may argue that your particular setting was not ” beautiful” – that you are not lucky enough to live near any place of beauty. But that is the point here.
Your life is what you make of it.
Your life is how you choose to see it.
Your life is but a reflection of what is inside of you.
The outside world merely reflects back to you, like a mirror, what is inside of you. How you are feeling. What you see. How you perceive. What you expect. What manifests around you.
It all comes from you.
Like an invisible signal pulsating out into the environment around you.
The Shaman I was working with that day explained to me that, life truly is a mirror of our souls and that when you look out into the world – what you see is truly a mirror of what lives deep within you.
Doing this simple exercise really brought this concept alive for me. Much more, than if I was simply ” intellectualising” the concept. Actually going out into nature or to a vista of some sort and becoming truly conscious of what I was seeing was a wonderful experience.
It connected me to me.
It connected me to how I really see the world.
It connected me to my true perceptions of reality.
The initial question I was asked that day was: ” So Christine, what do you see when you look out into the mountains?”
I didn’t know that my answer would then be considered a ” mirror” to my soul.
But what a beautiful surprise that turned out to be and I am trusting that your answer has had a similar effect on you.
If not – you may like to spend some time thinking about how you do view your world and surrounds and how you may bring that to a more soulful, joyful place?
And as a regular practice, take this as a measure of how you are truly feeling.
Look out into a vista and stop and notice what you are feeling.
Look out into a vista and stop and notice what you are seeing.
Look out into a vista and stop and be aware of what is being reflected back to you.
And if you do not like what you see – then stop again – focus - and bring another perspective, image and viewpoint into focus.
As you feel your inner mood and dialogue change, so too what you see about you changes. They go hand in hand and it is almost impossible to perceive what changes first.
Your inner perception of what is out there.
Or what is actually out there.
It is a little like the chicken and the egg.
But it is an instantaneous thing.
A true mirror for you to explore and use to your advantage.