A good morning to all and welcome back to the blog,
Today I just wanted to share with you all a wonderful, inspiring and thought provoking definition that shone down upon me from a billboard recently, as I was travelling in a taxi from a hotel to an airport. A journey I invariably seem to find myself doing quite often.
On this particular morning the billboard really struck me as I assessed my own life experience and suddenly found myself realising just how many things in my life have actually been ” serendipitous”!
Not planned.
Not sought after.
Not even imagined.
But yet they popped into my life unannounced and became present in the very fabric of my life experience. Bringing with them a host of new perspectives and life experiences.
And as it happens, often times these serendipitous moments, seem to be the ones I treasure the most.
Those moments and experiences that seem to materialise out of thin air – carrying me off in a direction I never would have imagined and shaping my life in ways that I never dreamed possible.
As the billboard proclaimed that fine morning:
Serendipity: to find something good when you are not looking for it.
So today I invite you to reflect upon all those moments in your own life.
All the times that you have found something wonderful without looking for it.
All the times that you have experienced something wonderful without seeking it out.
All the times that you have found yourself carried off in a new direction without even dreaming of the possibility prior to it landing in your lap.
All the good fortune, good times, amazing opportunities and good friends that have come your way when you have been least expecting it.
Seriously – grab a pen and paper and start writing a list.
See what you come up with, as you may be surprised at just how many times these events actually happen.
It is like an Unseen Force that is sent out from The Universe to give us what we need. Even when we do not know that we need it ha ha ah ha! And perhaps even in spite of our determined efforts to not move in that particular direction. In the direction of what is good for our souls. Think of it as:
A gentle nudge.
A whisper in your ear.
A knowingness that the time is now.
Or a rather grand and forceful shove to make you sit up and take notice ha ha ha!
The Universe is The Master of Serendipity – and we are all the recipients time and time again.
We just need to keep our eyes, ears, hearts and senses open at all times, to truly recognise when the Gift of Serendipity has graced our path.
We just need to be ready, willing and able to recognise The Universe stepping in to guide us where we need to go.
We just need to be willing recipients of the largess The Universe has to offer.
So on that note – may your life be Serendipitous and Joyous and Unexpected in Spectacular Ways!