Hello to all and welcome back to the blog,
As any of you who are regulars to the ABTY Blog will know, I have recently spent two weeks in the incredible surrounds of Sedona, Arizona, USA in what could only be described as a Soul Journey and Spiritual Quest of some magnitude.
And the results of this exploration of self, have far surpassed what I could ever have imagined or dreamed.
To say I feel like an empty well that has been refilled to overflowing, would be an understatement. And I truly feel a huge amount of gratitude for all those people, places and experiences that contributed to this awakening, liberation and rebalancing of sorts.
So – over the upcoming weeks and months, I anticipate that many of my blogs will be predicated by a variety of experiences, thoughts and observations I encountered during this time.
And here is the first “learning” that really struck a chord with me.
“It’s not all about you” !!!“It’s not all about you” !!!
Who knew ha ha ha ha?
These impactful words were delivered by the incomparable Caroline Myss, as part of her ” Mystical Laws of The Universe” conference.
I truly believe that whenever you attend a conference of any sort, whether it be professional, personal or spiritual in nature, you will receive the “learnings” that you specifically need to get.
That is – different things really stand out for different people.
Really strike and chord.
Really stop them in their tracks.
And for me – this one statement really did that.
It just leapt out at me waving a huge orange flag, demanding to be taken seriously and studied in depth.
It demanded to be applied to my own life experience immediately – with a sense of urgency – and suddenly I had some very specific life challenges strolling through my consciousness waving hello.
I mean you have to laugh really, as sometimes these ” Aha” moments seem so obvious when brought to your attention, that you find yourself wondering how you could have missed them.
You find yourself wondering : ” Did someone really need to point that out to me?”…..” Seriously!”
Well in this case, the answer for me was an unequivocal – Yes!
It did need to be pointed out.
And so I found myself dissecting my relationships with various colleagues, friends, acquaintances, clients and family members…….people all over the place – and suddenly realised that I was not the centre of everyone else’s Universe!
That is right!
I realised then and there that I was just a wrinkle in time……..
A blip on their radar…..
A tiny fragment of their life experience……
And it was liberating stuff.
In but a moment, I felt a huge amount of responsibility for others around me just evaporate into thin air.
I realised that everyone else was the star of their own show and I was just a blip.
It was not all about me!
My appearance in their lives was as a ” bit player”.
An extra on the side lines……….
A thought……
A fleeting circumstance perhaps……….
A catalyst for change……….
A twitch of their head……….
But I was not the main attraction and I was not responsible for their perception of self, their decisions, their happiness or unhappiness, their self doubt or confidence, their lives, their troubles, their challenges, their opinions, their life success or perceived failures.
It was simply just not about me.
I realised that their life was about them. And my life was about me.
I realised that they [ and by that I mean anyone who is not me ] were responsible for their life and times and thoughts and feelings and behaviours and reactions and happiness and success and choices and interactions and misery and joy.
And me……..well I was responsible for mine.
I was only responsible for how I behaved, interacted with, and reacted to everyone around me.
I realised that I was not responsible for other people’s actions and behaviours and interactions – even though they may intersect with mine briefly.
For a moment.
For a wrinkle in time.
For an instant.
What a relief ha ha ha.
So today – I simply invite you to extend this theory to your own life and ask this question:
In what relationships and situations are you making it ” all about you” – when in fact – you are merely a character on the sidelines? A small part in the bigger picture of someone else’s life?
In what situations are you adding undue stress, anxiety or angst to your life experience, by unduly taking on the energies of things that really have nothing to do with you?
Situations in which you are just the catalyst?
Situations in which you are only a bit player?
Situations in which you really have no real control?
Only the control over your own experience of the situation.
Because why?
Because – guess what? It is not all about you.
The other people in any life situation or circumstance are all having their own experience.
And that comes with their own agenda.
Their own perspective.
Their own history.
Their own expectations.
Their own limitations and predispositions.
And these often times have nothing to do with You.
Just as your perspective, actions, expectations and reactions actually have nothing to do with them.
Your stuff is your stuff. So anti up and take responsibility for that.
Their stuff is their stuff. So they need to anti up and take responsibility for that. And you need to not take it on.
You need to recognise that ” their stuff” is not :”your stuff”.
Because it is not all about you!!!!!
Are you getting the message here ha ha ah aha?
Liberating stuff.
So – on that note, I leave you to ponder the concept and see where it takes you.
Hopefully to a place of renewed enthusiasm for one’s self.
A place where you are no longer responsible for the plight of others.
A place where there is less drama and angst.
A place where you are the captain of your ship and no-one else’s!!
Because it is not all about you!!!!!