
Hello to a Birthday and Bye Bye to Fear

A big hello to everyone,

Today I am thrilled to tell you that this is my 100th Blog for A Bridge To You!

Happy Birthday to Blog!!!

I can hardly believe it.

With each blog averaging about 700 – 1200 words that is a whole lot of blogging ha ha ha.

So I guess my message today is simply that – if there is something within you that you feel drawn to do – just do it! You may be surprised at just how quickly whatever it is grows, and becomes part of your world.

As I have said many a time before – you just have to start.

” The first step is the best step, because it takes you to the next step”

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Be – dazzled

Good morning to you all and welcome to another beautiful day,

Today I have a little poem for you.

Something to inspire you to see the beauty and magnificence in every day.

Enjoy – share and be-dazzled! Read More

The magic of the twilight hour that’s free for you and me

Good morning to all and welcome to Tuesday,

A few days ago I was struck by the most magical time of day – sunset.

The time of day when the sun quietly slips away and rests for the night and the moon comes out to guide us through the evening.

Guiding us into peaceful slumber and the promise of a new day.

Guiding us to introspection and quiet contemplation of the day just passed.

Guiding us to thoughts of rest and the possibilities of the day to come.

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Turn Inward for the measure of you and your heart will guide your choices

Hello to all and welcome back to the ABTY Blog,

For today’s blog I thought I would share with you something I have been thinking about for a long time now –  and that is this:

Has the time arrived for us, as a collective, to stop, take stock of what we are doing, and take responsibility for what we bring to the Planet as individuals?

Have we reached a tipping point where we can no longer abdicate our responsibilities and decision making to outside forces and organisations?

Has leaving the parameters and barometers of what is acceptable behaviour to external bodies ultimately led us to our undoing as a society?

And just how can we get back to this place where we search within, rather than search for acceptance outside of ourselves to monitor how we think, speak, act and behave?

It is certainly food for thought – but what exactly do I mean by this? Read More

Let age not dampen your enthusiasm – you are never too old.

Well a big hello to everyone,

I recently stumbled upon the most incredible story and just had to share it with you all.

And that is the story of one Mr Harry Bernstein.

If ever there was a story of patience, determination and to trust in Divine Timing – then I guess this is it. But more importantly, it is a story that, for me, shows that often times our most wonderful work , experiences and contributions to the world at large, can come in the latter stages of our lives.

At a time when our current wisdom tries to tell us that we are “all dried up” and ready for retirement or the Pearly Gates, once we reach 60 or so, it is time to really reassess this ridiculous status quo.

As perhaps this is in fact your most fruitful of times.

A time to embrace the world and really run with it.

So   – if you are over 60 [ or even over 40 ha ha ha ] – do not accept this I say.

You have a lifetime of wisdom to bring to the world.

You have a lifetime of dreams that you may still be wanting to bring to fruition.

You have a lifetime of experience, knowledge and empathy to contribute to The Planet.

Now is the best time of your life and it only gets better.

So let Harry be your inspiration……

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Christine’s Book List – 40 Books that changed my life!

Hi Everyone,

Having recently had wonderful feedback when recommending a book on my Facebook page, I thought I would share with you my recommended reading list.

This is a list of 40 books that I have read over the years – some more than once – and very much value, for a variety of reasons.

I have catalogued them into different spheres of interest to give you a guide as to what they are about, as there may be some that are not to your particular taste, or of any interest to you at all. Just go with what calls your name.

I always feel intuitively drawn to certain books and no doubt you will be too.

So as I always say – take what grabs your attention and let the rest pass you by.

I have always found reading to be the most inspiring and comforting of mediums. The feel of the paper in your hands, the words coming to life on the page, as they convey some deep message or story, that is just for you in that moment in time. I guess that is why I now too   – choose to write.

So without further ado – here is my booklist.


Christine Read More

Look up from your keyboard and set yourself free!

Hi Everyone,

Today’s blog is actually a repeat of a poem I wrote a little while ago and a friend asked me to republish it, so to speak. And so here it is.

Apologies to those who may have read it before – but some of you may have missed it, having only recently joined the ABTY Blog, so I thought it could have a ” redo”!

If you have people in your life, who you think may benefit from reading it, I would love for you to share it, as I believe there is an important message within, and one that we can all use as a reminder in our own lives now and then – myself included.

The irony that this message is shared via technology is certainly not lost on me either – but in the absence of a postal address and a carrier pigeon – here I go ha ha ha!

Enjoy – share – and may it inspire you to put down your devices and truly connect, because this world is an extraordinary place not to be missed. And direct interaction, in my opinion, is the only way to truly experience its depth and treasure.  Read More

Drama Queen or Joy Maker? The choice is yours!

A cheery hello to all,

Today my message is really simple, short and sweet and that is - You have the power to take control of each day in your life and actively choose how and what you want it to be.

It is not a done deal.

And then, once you take this control – you need to take responsibility for that choice.

Sounds simple right?

Well it truly is. Read More

The Competition Stakes – are you a player?

Well hello to all,

No doubt many of you read the title of today’s blog and thought: “I don’t compete with anyone else – that is just kid’s stuff. I am my own man / woman.  I am just not competitive at all. I am very settled in my own life and do not give anyone else a second thought as I go about my business.”

Mmmmmm – well I beg to differ and think it is always good to stop and take a good look at the level of competition we have let take hold in our lives from time to time. Just a healthy ” Game Check” to see where you stand and how you are playing, because a feeling of constantly competing with others, whether they be family or friends is simply one of the most soul destroying activities in which you can engage.

I should know – because I have spent most of my life is this endless and hapless cycle of competing with everyone and everything. And I can assure you that it has brought no joy. But finally, I am happy to announce – the light has dawned on marble head, as the saying goes ha ha ha.

So are you a serial offender in the Competition Stakes and is there any type of competition that is good for you? Read More

The simple life…

Hello to all and welcome to Friday,

As we head towards the weekend I just wanted to remind you all of the simplicity that sometimes can escape us, as we dash around, in this forever “busy world” we have created for ourselves. A small reminder to truly relax and enjoy your weekend by allowing yourself to experience some moments of true fullness, by – ironically –  emptying out the fullness of your plans.

In order to do this, I guess the question I would like you to ask yourself today is simply this:

Do I still take time to enjoy the simple things in life?

And is there space left free in my days to enable me to do so? Read More