I have to admit that I am known for my ability to break into spontaneous song in any number of situations.Quite without reason, rhythm or provocation. In fact – it is a skill that I have always quite liked about myself despite some of those around me finding it a little odd, strange and even vaguely annoying at times ha ha.
But I shall not go quietly into the night and continue bravely on, bursting forth into song and dance whenever the mood takes me. And take me the mood did, a few weeks ago as a strolled around my local neighbourhood. And before I knew it I was singing along to one of my favourite tunes of all from Sesame St.
I am trusting that most of you are old enough to remember this amazing kids TV show that I grew up with. It had a cast of most memorable characters including Oscar The Grouch, Big Bird, Ernie and Bert, and the amazing Snuffleupagus.
Anyways – as part of the show they often used rhythms and songs in their teaching – it was an educational programme – the best ever – the trailblazing prototype for all that followed.
You may remember for instance that little rhythme: A loaf of bread, a container of milk and a stick of butter
Or perhaps that orange that used to sing opera?
If not – google and enjoy.
But back to my song of choice – The Neighbourhood Song – which had suddenly overcome me as I walked down the lane and from memory went something like this:
So – who are the people in your neighbourhood,
In your neighbourhood,
In your neighbourhood – oh
Who are the people in your neighbourhood,
They’re the people that you meet
As you’re walking down the street,
They’re the people that you meet – each -
[ big finish, lots of arms and a happy face] Read MoreMany of us have ideas that float about in our heads. Visions of things we can do. Places we can go and things we could accomplish. So what is the difference between those people who are actually out there doing it and those who are not?
One simple thing.
People who actualise their dreams into reality actually take that first step.
That first important step!
As I often say, there are many quotes and sayings that revolve around this concept - and again – for very good reason.
The most important step you can take in any project is the first step – whatever that may be for you – because once you commit and take action – the Universe somehow has a way of showing up with the right people, invitations and coincidental events to keep you on your path.
But you have to be committed.
And you have to be determined.
And you have to be passionate.
And most importantly, you have to take that first step and put your vision out there. Read More
I recently came upon the most wonderful quote and it really got me thinking. I trust that it will do the same for you and so would like to share it here with you all:
Holding onto anger is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die
– Buddha-
Wow – that is really quite hard hitting stuff. So I encourage you to settle into that sentence, read it again, let it truly sink in and then just sit with it for a few minutes before reading on.
No doubt, for most of you, whilst contemplating this quote you would have had little bubbles of anger and hostility come to your mind – I know I certainly did. We are all only human after all. But with recognition of any situation comes the ability to make change and see things from a different perspective.
So – now – take those little bubbles of anger and have a think about how you may be able to disengage from them – how you can stop drinking from that poisoned chalice and instead choose another refreshing beverage of choice ha ha? For whether you agree with the pretext and concept or not, the results are still the same: ruminating upon angry thoughts, feelings and situations creates angry thoughts and feelings within your whole body, mind and spirit and does little to set you up for a positive and productive day or life experience . Read More
This is a small verse I wrote whilst waiting for a train one sunny summers day.
It is not often that I catch a train and I found my reaction immediate and powerful and soon found a notepad and pen in my hands as I scribbled furiously my thoughts.
Something to ponder perhaps…..
An Ode to Connection
The platform’s so busy
With people so sad
As they bustle like robots
No joy do they have
As clouds drift by slowly
So free and so wild
Below them – humanity
A blithering child
Consumed by their Facebook
And thousands of friends
Ignoring what’s present
The crazy won’t end
Despite all this techno
To take up their time
Humanity is failing
Unable to shine
Their souls they are crumbling
Weighed down by such grief
Of connections once fertile
But now lost and so brief
Oh i-pod, oh i-phone
The scourge of our day
You cut off the people
And hid them away
In prisons of music
And Facebook and clouds
No longer connecting
To joys that abound
For just past those keyboards
And earphones and mail
Is a world full of wonder,
And nature and scale
So look up – and see
All the joy that’s around
Connect with the Universe
Results are profound
For in each one of us
Our soul cries out loud
To look out from the prison
To this joy that abounds
So unplug those earphones
Dare to look – say hello
This grandeur is waiting
To put on a show
A show that can take us
To where we are best
A place that will nurture
Encourage our quest
For all our sweet pleasure
And the cost – it is free
So look out from your prison
And set yourself free.
For to know your full glory
And bring it to be
You must be connected
You must want to see
The wonder that’s waiting
When we dare to just be
So look out from your prison
And set yourself free.
- Christine Denny July 2014 -
In this modern world it is curious to me that being young is seen as such an advantage. I mean, the older I get the more comfortable I become with who I am and I would not trade that insight and knowledge for anything in the world. I assume that most other “older” people feel the same. Some of the most amazing conversations I have ever had, have been with people 20 years my senior.
People with a lot more time on the planet than me.
People with so much more experience of life then me.
People with a lot more “scores “ on the proverbial board then me.
And yet as a society we have fabricated this really strange place where all this knowledge, and wisdom, and experience of life, is barely acknowledged, barely quantified and barely recognized, let alone celebrated and pursued.
Wouldn’t it be nice if there were Wisdom Forums that younger people could attend regularly, where the older generation could simply recount tales of their lives and the invaluable knowledge that they gained from this?
Tales of love and loss.
Tales of ingenuity and resilience.
Tales of daring and courage.
Tales of entrepreneurial prowess and business acumen.
Tales of life. Read More
This is, for me, one of the truest of all the proverbs I know and one that I advocate quite strongly for, given its importance as I see it in our modern world.
As someone who also finds it difficult to “hold her tongue” so to speak, and as someone who has an opinion on nearly everything, it does strike me as quite ironic though, that these three little words hold such a dear place in my heart.
As with many proverbs, the origin of this phrase is obscured by the passing of time, though there are reports of it dating back to as far as Ancient Egypt. The first example of it in English is said to be from the poet Thomas Carlyle, who translated the phrase from German in Sartor Resartus , 1831, in which a character expounds at length on the virtues of silence.
It is a funny old world we live in where we are constantly bombarded with advertising telling us to show we care by buying an assortment of gifts for the people in our lives. Constantly challenged to show we care. Constantly given options of when and how to appropriately do this purchasing. Fathers Day. Mothers Day. Valentines Day. Xmas. Easter………and on and on it goes. And yet in direct contradiction to this we seem to be becoming less and less connected to the people we truly love and even less connected to those members of our communities that we do not know personally.
Perhaps we have forgotten the true art of giving. A giving that requires nothing but an awareness of our capacity to do so. A giving that can truly impact upon another person and make their day.
The giving of our time.
The giving of our attention.
The giving of our support.