Nothing pulls your health into focus more starkly and quickly than a personal health crisis and for me that is where I have been for the past month or so. Over Xmas and the holiday season of course, I chose to ignore all the warning signs and carried on having a gay old time with family and friends. Eating and drinking and burning the candle at both ends. But as they say – the time always come to “pay the piper” and that is where I have been for the past 8 days…….paying the proverbial piper ha ha!
Before I continue on, please rest assured that all is well in my world and I can already see huge improvements in my health, with symptoms diminishing daily. My chronic health issue that tends to raise its head whenever I am “out of whack”, has done its job – I have taken notice and attended to my health, lifestyle and mindset. My health being that of mind, body and spirit.
So my questions to you are these:
1. Are you attending to your health on a daily basis?
2. Are you ignoring signs that your body or mind are out of balance?
3. Or are you waiting for your own personal health crisis and challenge to wake you up to a life that is not in balance?
As I sit here on a rainy Tuesday morning ,I am reminded once again, that pure pleasure and joy can be found in the simplest things in life.
For me there is nothing quite so comforting and restful, as the falling of rain.
The sound of the raindrops as they gently land on the leaves and paths outside.
The smell of the rain, that brings with it the promise of new things, freshness, rebirth and life.
The sight of the rain that signals a hearty dumping of renewed nourishment to all it touches.
For me – you just can not beat fully immersing yourself in the observation and enjoyment of a good rainfall. Read More
It is interesting to me how we so often expect anything we do to go swimmingly well on the first attempt and how scathing we can be of ourselves and others when they don’t.Or how quick we are to judge ourselves when we make a mistake – a misstep – a misjudgement. But like a baby learning to walk for the first time, life is one big learning curve and if you are waiting for the time to come when you don’t make any mistakes, missteps or misjudgements, then you will be waiting a very long time. Read More
There are so many wonderful and insightful quotes we can learn from and this little gem is truly one of my favourites. It really says so much about life and the fundamental premise upon which you can build a happy life.
“If you want to lead a happy life –tie it to a goal. Not to people or things ” – Albert Einstein
For me there are two elements to the message of this quote. The first being that if you tie your sense of joy and self worth to a goal – you are in control. You can control your steps towards this goal.You can decide to change course and reach for a different goal at any time. You are in the proverbial driver’s seat and so you are not likely to come unstuck by the opinions and criticisms of others.
You are the captain of your own ship – setting course and sailing towards the destination of your choice. Read More
Many years ago, I found myself at home in the middle of the day, and tuned in to watch Oprah. It is amazing to me how sometimes you can just hear something at the perfect time and place, that really resonates with you. And for me this happened on this rainy afternoon.
At the exact moment that I tuned in to the Oprah Show I heard her say: ” Does your home rise up to meet you?”
At the time I had never really given much thought to the environment I was providing for myself on a daily basis, though it must be said that I have always been tidy and organized. But beyond that……..I had not really contemplated the art of creating a true home around me. A home for my soul. A nurturing place for my spirit. A respite from the outside world. I simply lived in a nice place and was happy with that.
But this statement really got me thinking and now 10 years later, I can honestly say that my home does rise up to meet me in every way possible. Read More
“Let yourself be silently drawn by the strange pull of what you really love. It will not lead you astray “ – Rumi
This is a wonderful quote that I came across recently and I just loved it.
Not just the sentiment of the quote itself but the calming balance and sound of the actual words themselves.
“Be silently drawn” – to me this conjours an image of an easy and effortless attraction to that which is really of interest to you and I think for many people there is this underlying current that flows beneath all they do. An unexplained force that calls them to their way of life. A force that requires no bells and whistles and no fanfare because it simply is. A guiding light that beckons us forth along our path with a quiet and formidable knowingness. It is simply a matter of allowing yourself to wash along with this pull.
Which brings me to the very first part of the quote – “Let yourself be drawn”. Read More
My blog today is inspired by a visit to the cinema to see the newly released Movie Feature of Sondheim’s classic musical, INTO THE WOODS. I have to say that I did not remember the musical having so many twists and turns and analogies and metaphors for life [ though I was quite young when I first saw it ] and by the end of the film I was ready to sit and ponder quietly my own affairs somewhat.
For me though, there were two really poignant moments in the film. The first was when Prince Charming says quite bluntly and unashamedly to Cinderella [having just cheated on her with a peasant in the woods ] – “I was raised to be charming - not sincere”……. Read More
As we head into 2015, it has struck me that we really are the creators of our lives……but for so many people this creation is set in motion with very little thought or true reflection. So ask yourself these three questions:
Are you sticking to a plan even if the plan has proven unpalatable previously ?
Are you simply following a routine – even though you do not really enjoy it and are dreading the year ahead ?
Are you heading down the same road even though you know it will lead you to a year of misery and unhappiness?
If so – be careful what you are cooking up in that kitchen of yours. Because whatever you cook up is going to land fairly and squarely on your plate come dinner time.
So as you go into the New Year perhaps be cognisant of what you are planning for the year ahead and be sure that it is really what you are wanting.
It really is what you want to stomach for the year.
When you go out to a restaurant, you would not dream of ordering a meal that makes you feel ill, or to which you are allergic and yet in life we can find ourselves doing this all the time without even giving it a second thought.
So imagine your life as a huge banquet – and you are the head chef.
Your job is simply to select all the foods that you really love preparing and that you enjoy eating, and then to cook them up into this splendid feast.
If you are allergic to oysters for instance, it would not make a lot of sense to fill your menu with dishes containing this seafood delicacy. Yes – of course other people may love oysters – but if you have a severe distaste for them or allergy to them – it just does not make sense for you to spend so much time sourcing them, preparing them, dishing them up to yourself - and then even worse still – actually eating them. Read More
Action vs Inaction – The universe rewards both with equal enthusiasm.
I have often heard it said that The Universe Rewards Action – and I do think that this is indeed the case. But I thought today, I would like to point out that the opposite is also true and just as powerful.
The Universe Rewards Inaction with as much force and reliability as it does its opposite counterpart. Read More
With Xmas fast approaching – seemingly faster than any previous year – the insanity of the Festive Season is well and truly upon us. The frenetic pace that used to attach itself only to the week of Xmas itself seems to have extended its hold and many people seem to be pulled in many directions for the entire length of December these days, with Xmas parties, end of year concerts, Xmas obligations and various other commitments.
And then there is the Xmas shopping.
I must admit I do enjoy the Festive Cheer and Sparkling Xmas Lights in all the shops and already, in this Season of Festive Delight, I have found myself dress as a Xmas Elf for various Festive Activities more than once ha ha. [ at this junction I must share that nothing will get you in the Xmas Spirit quicker than donning an Elf outfit and playing Xmas Carols ha ah ha ].
But – when it comes to shopping – I do wonder if perhaps we have lost the true meaning of Xmas amongst the ever increasing commercialism and whether or not we could all enjoy the Festive Season just as much whilst spending less.