If there is one lesson that seems to be taking me a lot longer to learn in life than others, it is to “go with the flow” and “trust the process of life” and all it brings. As someone who tends to plan life down to the most minute of details, leaving no stone unturned so to speak, allowing things to just “take their course” is not something that comes naturally to me. It seems that I am more versed in the art of planning, scheduling, actualising and delivering results.
But what if, relaxing into life a little and allowing for a little “wiggle room” in all this calculated accomplishment and “doing-ness”, could actually provide another element that could add something else to my life experience? Read More
Well today I have sprung out of bed with a renewed enthusiasm for life in general and I think this has been predicated by my posting of the above idea on Twitter yesterday.
The question simply is – in your life : Does Happiness = Success or does Success = Happiness.
I guess it is a little bit of the old ” what comes first the chicken or the egg” scenario.
And at first glance this can seem like quite a simple conundrum – nothing too profound.
But upon further reflection you will most likely find that your answer to the question or more importantly your belief about the relationship between Success and Happiness will have far reaching effects on how you live your life and how you feel about your life in general.
A warm hello and welcome to today’s blog, in which I am going to explore the idea of choice in another way and frame. The choices we make with our mindset and life expectations. The act of choosing possibility in your life and being open to that. The act of truly believing that there are a number of options open to you, in most aspects of your life – both the seen and unseen. The ability to stay truly open to the possibility that there may just be “possibilities” that are open to you in ways you may not have envisaged.
In life we all experience ups and downs and various challenges along the way, but through it all, there still remains the ability to choose possibility. Possibility that exists in so many ways , shapes and forms. Lately I have had some conversations with people who are either very negative about their life situation in some way, or very hateful towards people around them and it got me thinking about a wonderful quote I read a long time ago, which has stayed close to my heart ever since:
“Dwell in Possibility” – Emily Dickinson
Today’s blog is going to be really brief. A quick reminder that sometimes you just need to stop and engage with another human being to get that boost you need.
A simple reminder, that when you are feeling down or like the world is getting on top of you, sometimes the best medicine is simply to step back and spend some time away from your work and obligations. And there is no better tonic, than spending some time with a trusted friend or colleague.
That special someone who loves and accepts you warts and all.
That special someone to whom you can reveal the totality of who you are, in total confidence and trust that there will be no judgement.
That special person to whom you can bare your soul. Read More
I must admit that I went through a period in my life when I was one of those people who constantly dreamed of my next holiday. I was constantly wishing I was somewhere else, living in another place and living someone else’s life. My own circumstances seemed dull, uninteresting, mundane and repetitive. All the life, had somehow drained out of my life and what I was left with was an empty, cavernous vacuum that needed to be filled. So I filled it up by constantly dreaming of vacations. An escape. A way to get away from it all, if only for a week or a few days……..and this seemed to work for a while, until I came upon an amazing quote, that totally changed how I looked at my life and its possibilities.
Why is it that many of us find change so difficult?
Why is it that we are taught not to upset the “status quo”?
Why are we told to settle for less than we can truly be?
For some reason, society seems to put a lot of pressure on people to decide on a course of action and then to stick to it – no matter what. No matter the fall out. No matter the true feelings the person may have towards it. No matter the ramifications of the decision that was initially made.
In some way, it seems like we are often still encouraged to make the most of a bad situation as opposed to leaving that bad or outdated situation and looking for something better. Working towards a new and redefined goal.
The old saying: “You made your bed – so lie in it” comes to mind.
But what if we changed that saying to ” Ok then – you chose a really bad bed that seems to be giving you chronic back ache and you are not a fan of the thread count in your sheets, so how about you buy a futon, invest in a new pillow, get some fitted sheets that feel great on your skin…….. and let’s go lie on that” Read More
It is interesting to me how a simple change in one’s perception of an event can cause an “about turn” in how you relate to that particular event. And when I saw the quote below it really struck a chord with me and I thought to myself: if I extended this change of perspective right out to the very fundamental principals with which I view life – what a huge shift that could bring.
So now it is for you to decide if this is a shift that you would like to make too – as I really did find this quite profound and it immediately had me thinking about my life in a whole new way.
A liberating way.
An encouraging way.
An adventurous way.
An ” I can give anything a go” kind of way.
Life suddenly became so full of possibility, as opposed to full of pitfalls, traps, mistakes and challenges to be negotiated and worked through.
My life opened up in an instant and perhaps this one little quote may do the same for you. So here it is for your consideration and pleasure:
If there is one analogy I use a lot in life, it is that of being a tree. Perhaps it is because trees are one of my favourite things in the world and I find them so inspiring and comforting and nurturing. Who knows? But nonetheless and for whatever reason I would love to share with you today, this analogy and trust that it gives you a new sense of your own power, connectedness and ability to be flexible with the winds of change, that often come along in life.
This morning I awoke with the thought, that like most things in life – nothing can happen if you are not a willing participant. That is to say, that thinking about something is simply not enough – you actually have to take action and do something to effect the change or results or movement you would like to see in your life.
And then it struck me as I lolled delightfully in my comfy little bed, that our lives are really like a boat.
They are geared naturally to take us somewhere, but unless we jump on board and set sail to harbours new, we are not going to go anywhere.
And whilst it is nice to watch your little boat sitting comfortably by the shoreline, you simply can not maximise it’s output or use it to it’s full extent, if you never actually get in it and take it for a spin in the surrounding waters.
And thus is your life. Read More
Well – good morning to you all and I trust that you have all had a fabulous week. No doubt you are wrapping things up ready for the weekend of socialising ahead, so I thought I would write today about an element of our human interactions that is often misread or left lacking. And that is the simple act of allowing others around us to be seen and heard, by the virtue and gift of our undivided attention.
I have written about this before, but felt compelled to write about it again as I came upon a wonderful quote a few days ago:
There is a difference between truly listening and waiting for your chance to talk
Ralph Waldo Emerson
For me this quote is simply profound and yet so very very simple.
One short sentence says it all. Read More