Events & Seminars

Renovate Your Reality

Reboot, Recharge and Relaunch your life with 4 simple steps.

Welcome to our super quick, super charged, incredibly fun, one day event, which is all about getting in, doing the work, kick-starting some lasting changes and getting out. If you are feeling a little stagnant and that your life has become a little bit beige, like a really old carpet, jump on into this one day event to look at 4 key areas and shake things up. Being aware of what's working, what's not and then formulating a plan for change is half the battle. And we are here to guide you through the journey and give you some ideas to help you re-launch yourself into a new and improved reality.

Check our Events Calendar


A Sense of Soul

Recover and release your intuition in this 1 day exploration of yourself and your inner world

This is by far the most gentle of our programmes and one that is very much focused on your interior world and your Soul. During this one day experience you shall sit quietly and reflect as Christine shares with you 6 different strategies that can help you connect with your Spirit, Your Soul, Your Intuition. A variety of meditation techniques, and other roads to intuitive awareness will be the order of this interactive and self reflective day. Perhaps your Soul is sending you an S.O.S and guiding you to take this day for yourself.

Check our Events Calendar


Discover You. Love You. Be You

Unleash the magnificence within during this 2 day quest for You

This 6 step seminar has been specifically designed as a place of self discovery and self-actualisation to get you to where you want to be – on a pathway to you – the real you. The ‘you’ that may be lying undiscovered and untapped – waiting to be unearthed and utilized to its full potential. So often, all you need is the time and space to devote to your own self awareness and self discovery and so much can come to light. It is so much easier to get where you are going when you know the destination. And for this 2 days that dream destination is You!  So take this chance and devote 2 simple days to discovering You. You deserve it.

Check our  Events Calendar

Gatecrash the Goodlife

A powerful 12 step intensive to propel you into the life you always dreamed of - and more.

So many of us seem to believe that the so called "GoodLife" is only for the rarified few. Well this is simply not the case, and you can gatecrash the party anytime you are good and ready. So get your party hats on – this is the Big Daddy of our programmes and represents a 3 day cracker of a seminar. Fun filled and fabulous, this 12 step process is our ‘no holds barred’, all angles covered, invitation to Gatecrash the Life you have always wanted.

Super charged. Super Powered. Super Fun.

This 3 days will give you the tools you need to embrace life with a song in your heart and a spring in your step.

So grab a ticket and be inspired - let's go!

Check our Events Calendar