Relax, let it go and go with the flow

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If there is one lesson that seems to be taking me a lot longer to learn in life than others, it is to “go with the flow” and “trust the process of life” and all it brings. As someone who tends to plan life down to the most minute of details, leaving no stone unturned so to speak, allowing things to just “take their course” is not something that comes naturally to me. It seems that I am more versed in the art of planning, scheduling, actualising and delivering results.

But what if, relaxing into life a little and allowing for a little “wiggle room” in all this calculated accomplishment and “doing-ness”, could actually provide another element that could add something else to my life experience?And this is what I am currently experimenting with.

Letting it go and going with the flow.

Do I still plan and organise and run my daily affairs? Indeed I do – after all this blog will not write itself. However, I am trying to relax the controls just a little and allow for the Universe to direct me in different directions. I am allowing myself to take time off for  pure pleasure – in whatever form that may take and relaxing my need to know exactly what I will be doing in every minute of the day hours before it happens.

I am opening up to a world of flexibility and spontaneity……..something I have not explored in much depth before ha ha ha.

It may be a stand up paddle-boarding lesson followed by a leisurely breakfast

It may be attending a documentary screening

It may be watching a few hours of mindless TV

It may be relaxing when things do not go to plan…. or  when plans are cancelled unexpectedly

It may be staying calm and trusting that there is something else on the agenda [ that I am yet to discover]  when my day takes an unexpected turn in another direction

It may be reading a book

It may be accepting an invitation to go somewhere, when I had already planned to do my washing and write my next blog

Whatever it is – for me it is all about going with the flow and not worrying about the planned activity or thing that is left in its wake…….and guess what? Thus far, my world keeps turning and life is just the same – except that I am doing more unusual things each day and my routine is not quite so “routine” anymore.

Some of you may be thinking – mmmmmmm – you are a little highly strung Christine – I do things like this all the time.

And if you are thinking that – then I salute you and freely admit that I am currently in the process of trying to emulate what you clearly do quite naturally.

Relax and let it go!

The strange thing is, that whatever I need to get done in the day still gets done – but I am feeling a lot more relaxed and carefree. And quite surprisingly I am discovering what things are really not too high on my priority list, as they seem to be remaining at the bottom and never make it to the top  “must be done today” position on the list. This in and of itself, has been showing me quite clearly where my heart truly lies and what things are just of not that much interest to me anymore.

Again – I am not saying to just sit about and do nothing everyday, and clearly some commitments must be honoured at their designated hour – but there really is something to be said for allowing that little bit of “wiggle room” in your day, so that new and interesting experiences and or ideas can pop into your focus.

And I am afraid that I must admit, in the past, I have not always been open to embracing or coping with these opportunities or experiences that have come from left field at unexpected interludes ha ha. My day was already planned – I had things to do.

But what I have discovered recently, is that the act of being open and free and willing to “go with the flow”, can produce extraordinary results.

A chance meeting with someone that turns out to be an amazing friendship that lasts a lifetime

A chance encounter that stirs a passion or interest in something new

A chance discovery that leads you to somewhere else

A chance invitation that opens up a whole new world in some way or other

A chance experience that awakens something within you, that you never knew was asleep in there

It is funny to me that I – the girl who in the past has been the most planned, prepared and rigid of them all is giving this advice ha ha ha. But like they say: “It takes one to know one”…….and so I know how very rigid and set in your ways some of you you can be – because that has been me in the past ha ha ha!

And even now I have to be aware of myself and my rigidity.

A train trip with a change of platform and a delay can throw me into a spin…….that is not what I planned and we may miss our next connection.

Luggage not arriving at a holiday or work destination can create havoc with my sense of composure……..that is not what was meant to happen, how can I carry on without that bag.

My favourite meal is no longer on the menu at my favourite restaurant………but that is what I came here to eat, what will I eat now.

These are all real examples of moments in my life where I could have done with my own advice: “Go with the flow”

I mean, reading back over them now, they just sound ridiculous – and ridiculous they were/are.

Some things just do not matter and trusting that it will all work out and simply relaxing can pay huge dividends – in the moment and down the track.

When things do not go to plan – try to trust that it will all work out. Worry will not make a blind bit of difference to the situation anyways, so why not relax and just let it all play out?

For life in general – take that invitation, go on that unplanned outing, relax and let things just fall into place…….you may be surprised what does and does not happen as a result.

I guess I am simply saying that there is a lot to be said for just “going with the flow” sometimes.

Relax. Trust and Let it Be.

For perhaps there is a bigger force than you at play behind the scenes and it will blow you right where you need to be, at exactly the right place and time, to experience what you need, to get you to where you really need to be [ emotionally, mentally, physically and/or spiritually]

And perhaps, just perhaps, what you will discover or experience when you get there may be something you could never have imagined.

So –  if you feel you could benefit from joining me on this quest  - I invite you to set this new mantra into effect in your own world.

A quest to relax, let it go and go with the flow.

Who knows what it may bring into your awareness and your life?

#DiscoverYou #LoveYou #BeYou

- Christine -

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