Today’s blog is going to be really brief. A quick reminder that sometimes you just need to stop and engage with another human being to get that boost you need.
A simple reminder, that when you are feeling down or like the world is getting on top of you, sometimes the best medicine is simply to step back and spend some time away from your work and obligations. And there is no better tonic, than spending some time with a trusted friend or colleague.
That special someone who loves and accepts you warts and all.
That special someone to whom you can reveal the totality of who you are, in total confidence and trust that there will be no judgement.
That special person to whom you can bare your soul.We usually only have a few of these people in our lives at any given moment – but they are worth their weight in gold. Little gems that provide us with the light, comfort and nurturing we need in the down times. Little gems that glisten in the distance, beckoning us over when we need a kind word, a helping hand or just a good laugh.
So today - I simply want to pay tribute to all those amazing “friends” out there – mine and yours, who do such an incredible job each and every day supporting their friends and bringing that amazing support and encouragement into the lives of others.
For most of you, you will find yourself on both sides of this equation. That is, most of you will be the “giving and encouraging friend to some” and also the receiver of this same support from others. A pure and beautiful example of the Yin and Yang of life. The give and take, the ebb and flow, the simple perfection of it all.
So for the next week, I encourage you to make contact with a friend who you may not have seen or talked to in a while. If you can not see them in person, then pick up the phone and make a call, because nothing feeds the soul more than hearing the voice of a friend. It picks you up and energises you like nothing else.
We seem to make time for so much in our lives that is work related, so it is really important to also make time to connect with other delightful souls who have joined us on our journey.
I was reminded yesterday of this in two ways.
First by spending time with a dear friend who fills my days with joy and laughter whenever we meet. And secondly when chatting to another friend on the phone who reminded me that, sometimes we achieve so much more in life by doing less – not pushing – letting go and just letting it be. And this is turn reminded me how much my energy is lifted and replenished when I spend time with like minded souls. Not doing anything in particular sometimes, but simply basking in their energy and sharing mine with them, whilst swapping stories and bringing our lives to life for each other.
It is so important to spend time with people who inspire your thought, your actions, your deeds and your very being-ness. So seek these people out, as they will open up parts of you, to yourself and the outside world, that you may not even know you had. Parts of yourself that have been waiting to be seen and heard and to blossom for such a long long time.
Sometimes we just need this support and encouragement to feel safe and supported in bringing new elements of ourselves to the fore – and friends or like minded souls can sometimes be the magic ingredient to this process, that can coax us out into the light. A fortifying presence that gives us the strength and courage to truly be all we can be.
Now,if you are reading this and for some reason you are feeling a little lost at the moment – or friendless – and alone – then I encourage you to join a group or club and meet some new people with similar interests. And these days it is so simple and often free too. If you are in Australia, then you can join any number of groups through and go along to hikes, dinners, movie nights, language lessons, drinks, abseiling, yoga, dancing nights, political discussion groups etc etc etc - the list goes on and on and on.
So there is no need to ever feel alone if you do not wish to. And sometimes, that human contact and interaction is all you need to get you out of a depressed state of mind or low energy time in your life.
Volunteering is also a great way to get out of your own ” energy and space” and climb into another one, so I highly recommend that too. Nothing lifts you up more than helping someone else and giving of yourself to someone in need. It may be visiting the elderly, helping out with reading lessons at your child’s school, teaching a class for free in some skill you have [ painting, music , dance, accounting, cricket etc etc ] – there are so many ways to connect with others in the community – and these can all reap huge benefits not only for yourself but for others.
So I guess my message today, is that our human-ness is a huge gift. A huge gift that you can really leverage to bring another layer of joy into your life. But, you have to recognise its power and make those connections and that human contact to see its benefits in your life.
If you are feeling flat…….phone a friend, go to lunch, spend some time with that special someone, join a group, volunteer and assist someone else who is worse off than you, help your neighbour with some job or other. You may just be surprised how this little bit of human-ness and interaction can put a sparkle back in your eye, a smile on your face and the spring back in your step.
In our ever increasing computer driven world – simply take the time to connect as a human – with another human. It will feed your soul! And did you know that research is also showing now that people who have stronger community ties and stronger human connections tend to live happier and healthier lives? So – connecting with others may well just be feeding your physical body a whole lot of goodness too.
So – thanks to all the friends, volunteers and active community participants out there – you are doing an incredible job.
Make the connections.
Feel the JOY.
Top up your energy reserves and have a fabulous day
#DiscoverYou #LoveYou #BeYou