Ask not, what life can bring to you, but what you, can bring to life

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Well hello and a cheery greeting to all,

For those of you that know me personally, you will be aware that as I go about my daily business, I always carry little “post it ” notes with me and jot down any ideas or thoughts that catch my attention during the day. It could be a quote, a picture, a sentiment or an idea. And there is one such idea that I came across whilst travelling a few months ago.

In all fairness – I can not remember where this flicker of an idea came from – but I rediscovered the general idea on one of my “post it” notes and wanted to share it with you today.

I have chosen to present it as a spin off, of that most famous John F Kennedy Speech: ” Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country”, as I suddenly thought it could be a great paradigm shift for our general living and attitude to life.

Instead of us always expecting life to bring us something and complaining when it doesn’t – perhaps we could instead be thinking about what we can bring to life?Imagine if we were taught from a young age to view life and our experiences in this way:

Ask not what life can bring to you, but what you can bring to life

Wow – it really changes the thought process and dynamic of how you view life doesn’t it?

So today I invite you to grab a pen and paper and ponder that question:

What can I bring to life?

Pure and simple – nothing more and nothing less.

What is it that you can add to the world that no-one else can?

What special skill or talent do you have that could make the world a better place for you having been here?

How can you make the world a better place? Or at least your little corner of it?

I pose this shift in thinking once again:

Ask not what life can bring to you, but what you can bring to life

And that is it from me for today

Simply giving you something to think about and reflect upon.

May you bring to life, whatever also fills your heart and soul with joy and wonder

#DiscoverYou #LoveYou #BeYou



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