Hello again and Happy New Year to you All,
By now you should all be basking in the glory of a New Year, with your BluePrint of You close at hand, feeling happy and confident for the year ahead. So given this assumption of positivity, I thought I would try and keep you on this path to JOY with a quick reminder:
Misery Loves Company………….but So Too Does Joy.
It seems to me that often times we tend to focus in on some of these popular sayings, without giving the reverse side of the equation much regard at all. And I have to say, that if ever there was a saying whose reverse position deserved some attention – it would have to be this one ha ha ha.
For just as misery seems to attract a lot more misery to it – so too does JOY seem to flourish and multiply quite easily.
It never ceases to amaze me how quickly a smile can pass from one person to another in a crowd, when something delightful happens. Or how one raucous laugh can suddenly set off an entire room.
How a band playing music can change the mood of a room quite easily. And how a few fun loving people, willing to throw themselves onto a dance floor with reckless abandon, can, in but a few moments, transform a boring and dull evening into one where everyone is laughing , smiling and having a jolly old time without a thought for their unusual dance moves.
So I guess my point today is quite simply – who will you choose to be in 2016?
The person who sets a room ablaze with joy and laughter, friendliness and warmth?
Or the person in the corner, actively courting misery , judgement and coldness for all to see?
Now of course I am not suggesting that you must be cheery all the time, as that would simply not be natural at all. However it is worth remembering, that you will attract that which you give out. So – if you are not actively seeking to be miserable, it would be in your best interest to avoid those characteristics. Especially in public ha ha ha.
But the good news is this. As misery begets misery, so to does joy beget joy.
The choice is yours to make.
It therefore stands to reason that the quickest way to pull yourself out of a negative situation, or frame of mind, is to simply find something joyful to focus on and get that feeling going. And this is where your fabulous BluePrint of You may come in handy, as you can simply look down your list of ” things that make you smile” and get cracking on one of those…… as soon as possible.
Take that walk, bake that cake, go to that movie, visit that beach…..whatever it is, that is going to put a smile on your face, you need to get to it and turn that frown around as quickly as possible, so you can start to attract a lot more positivity and good vibes back your way again. And as you find yourself becoming more and more full of joy – so more and more joyous people and things will start to gravitate towards you.
As I have written before – you are like one giant walking, talking, creation magnet.
Like attracts like.
It is simply The Universal Law of Attraction and there is no getting around it.
So it is best that you use it to your advantage and reap the rewards.
So the next time you hear someone say: ” Well – misery loves company” – you can quietly remind yourself that the opposite is also true - and that opens up an entire world of opportunity for you.
Too easy.
The world is indeed and magnanimous and wonderful place.
So look for the JOY and be the JOY – as it truly likes company and will be delighted to give you a seat at the table.
#DiscoverYou #LoveYou #BeYou
And have a stellar 2016.