Hello to a Birthday and Bye Bye to Fear

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A big hello to everyone,

Today I am thrilled to tell you that this is my 100th Blog for A Bridge To You!

Happy Birthday to Blog!!!

I can hardly believe it.

With each blog averaging about 700 – 1200 words that is a whole lot of blogging ha ha ha.

So I guess my message today is simply that – if there is something within you that you feel drawn to do – just do it! You may be surprised at just how quickly whatever it is grows, and becomes part of your world.

As I have said many a time before – you just have to start.

” The first step is the best step, because it takes you to the next step”

Before I began my blogging career, I was full of self doubt and unsure that anyone would want to read what I had to say. But then I realised, that what was important, was that I actually had something to say. I had a message to put out there and a deep desire to add something positive, uplifting and tangible to the Universe.

And for me – that was writing the ABTY Blog!

As the time has passed and I have explored this avenue, it has led me to other ideas and possibilities. It has helped me, become me, in so many ways.

But most importantly the writing of the ABTY blog has allowed me to see myself as a writer. As a new and different person to the one I have been for the first 45 year of my life. It has given me the hugest gift of all – the gift of redefining my place in the world.

The gift of expanding my own perception of who I am.

The gift of exploring other aspects of myself.

The gift of being reborn, as this new person.

This was really brought home to me at a function recently, when a lady I was introduced to said:

” Oh – you’re the one who does all that motivational writing and stuff”.

As one of four daughters in my family, we all tend to be referred to by our various accomplishments. So for me that has meant that for the past 25 years, I have been greeted with:

” Oh – you’re the tap dancer”

Now, don’t get me wrong. I am the tap dancing one ha ah ha and quite proudly so. But I have always felt caged in by that definition and somewhat limited by it. For whatever reason, I have always had this deep need to be more than just this one label. I have always felt this urge to break free of that one definition and explore other elements of who I am. I have always found this perception and definition of me to be really limiting and confining.

So for me this was a poignant and defining moment in my life.

” Oh – you’re the one who does all that motivational writing and stuff”.

I will never forget that sentence. The first time I heard that greeting. It will be etched in my memory forever.

Never had a proclamation of my perceived place in the world been so welcomed.

Someone had actually seen me as a writer of stuff.

Someone had actually seen me as someone other than a tap dancer.

Someone had acknowledged my writing and A Bridge To You, as my primary persona and in that one moment gave me the biggest gift of all……….confidence in my own ability and right to be this “someone else”.

Now – of course you do not need someone else to tell you that you can be you. But for me – crossing this invisible line in the sand was a real milestone.

I really felt like I had stepped through an invisible barrier of my own making to finally accept myself in this new role.

As I said to a friend recently. When making changes to your lifestyle or who you are as a person, the biggest hurdle is to convince yourself that you are this new version of yourself. The outside world is actually quite accommodating. You simply have to believe within yourself that you can be this new person. That you are deserving of this new person. That you have the ability and the right to be this new person.

So today – I would like to invite you to be the newest version of yourself .

I invite you to reshape your life.

I invite you to reshape your self perception.

I invite you to shine your light in whatever way you feel drawn to.

“Happy Birthday to You”, I say.

The new you that has been waiting in the wings to take the stage.

With me it all started with a website and my first blog last November….and now – 100 blogs later here I am. But what is surprising is just how quickly and easily those 100 blogs have passed through my fingertips, onto the keyboard and into the world. Like a flurry of snowflakes in a winter storm.

The passage of time as we perceive it is surprising and our place within it is limitless and unbounded.

You truly can bring whatever you want to The Universe. You just have to start…….and before you know it you maybe 100 blogs down your new path too. It may be:

100 singing lessons later

100 walks by the beach later

100 knitted pairs of socks for the homeless later

100 dogs you helped rescue later

100 days volunteering with a charity of your choice later

100 days tending your new vegetable garden later

100 pilates classes later

100 soccer matches as a coach in the junior league later

It is amazing how quickly time passes.

So today, on our 100th ABTY Blog’s Birthday, I invite you to say Hello and Happy Birthday to You as you birth a new you.

And Bye Bye to fear as you take the leap into that place you have always dreamed of going,

Hip Hip Hooray!

#DiscoverYou, #LoveYou, #BeYou


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