“Stay Open” – Some words of encouragement from Iyanla Vanzant!

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Hello to all and welcome back to ABTY,

As I continue on my own journey into a seeking of truth, justice, wisdom and joy in all I do. And in all I bring to the world. A few things have come to be inescapable realities to me.

It seems to me that we all need encouragement sometimes.

It seems to me that those who come before us tend to pass on the wisdom traditions and knowledge of those who came before them. A process that is carved into the passage of time.

And it seems to me that this pool of wisdom – these carvings –  are ancient and all knowing and that we are all pulling from the same truth, no matter where we look to find its comfort.

So today – I want to share with you some words of wisdom and encouragement attributed to the wonderful writer and mentor Iyanla Vanzant.


For some of you these word may represent –  Hope.

For some of you these word may represent –  a Lifeline.

For some of you these word may represent –  a Truth that you know and trust within every fibre of your being.

For me – at this time, it is something that I need to believe. But also something that resonates deep within my soul.

It is something that helps me get through every day, as I navigate the winds of change that I feel sweeping around me from every direction at present.

Something is afoot.

Something is coming.

Something is shifting within me and all around me and I need to believe in and trust in these words 100%. And I do trust in them with a certainty that is profound.

So if you are reading this today and these words resonate with you in some way, I invite you to take hold of these words and hold them close to your chest as you navigate your own journey.

Trust that there is something bigger than you at play.

Trust that there is something more than you can see in your situation right now. More than you can anticipate and more than you can know right now.

Trust in the magnitude of The Universe and its ability to take you where you need to go for your highest good, greatest growth and to reach your human potential .

Trust in the “Knowingness of The Universe” that is unknown to you right now –  and trust that this            ” unknowingness” is the exact thing that will lead you to where you need to go, at some yet to be discovered point in the future.

Sometimes everything is nothing and nothing is everything.

That is the truth of our existence that is so often so difficult to grasp.

These few words sum it all up – completely.

So stay open and honest and true – because that is all you can do.

#Discover You #Love You #Be You


And remember – we are all just doing the best we can!




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