Hello to all and welcome back,
Today I would like to invite you to ponder one simple question.
Or rather – I would like to invite you to finish one particular statement.
I do this, because I have discovered from my own self-reflections that the answer to this one question, or rather, the finishing of this one statement can tell you a lot about yourself.
You may also discover over time that your answer to this statement will change and so is a great measure of just where you are in your life.
So before you click through and read the statement – grab a pencil and paper and be ready to write whatever leaps into your head, when you read the first part of the statement given.
Do not censor it.
Do not stop writing until you have nothing more to write.
Do not judge.
And do not read any further until you have completed the initial and spontaneous writing task, that will be spurred into action through your initial reaction to the statement given.
Just write and write and write until there is nothing more your soul wishes to reveal to you.
So here is the statement for you to finish……
I AM……..
Now it is time to go back and reflect upon what you have written.
What does your list tell you about you?
What do you wish to change?
What are you happy with?
How does the list make you feel when re-reading it?
How did you feel whilst writing the list?
Would you wish your response to be different in the future?
Do you wish your list was different now? And why?
Are you at peace with all the responses you gave?
If not – why not – and what are you able to do to change them?
If given the quest to finish the statement in another 6 months, what would you like it to read?
And there you have it – an insight into your soul.
And that is it for today.
The most simple of exercises that you can repeat at any time, any place, anywhere.
A wonderful statement to complete that tells you fairly and squarely where you life is going……….according to You.
All you need to do is listen, trust and let the information flow through to you from your soul.
It knows what is going on and if you are being true to yourself. Only you know where you really wish to be and how you wish to feel in your life.
All you need to do is take the time to pose the question and listen to the response from your heart.
Your “ I AM “ list will either resonate with who you are and fill you with a sense of completion and joy or make you cringe and wish for something different.
Only You can listen!
Only You can decide where you sit in your life’s plan and journey!
Only You can decipher what is right for you and whether you are on the right tram!
If you are not on the right tram – then get off and get on another one that suits you, so then you can say with joy and peace: I AM…………
And if you feel centred, happy and at peace reading your “ I AM “ list – then continue on knowing that you are in harmony with yourself.
I AM – this little statement can tell you all you need to know. Not only about who you are on the inside – but also about what you will be projecting to the outside world too. And this projection and expectation has a habit of being reflected back.
I AM………
The rest is up to you!
#DiscoverYou, #LoveYou, #BeYou