Good morning all and welcome back to the blog,
I recently had my first drumming lesson in over a decade.
That is right!
Somehow my work life took over, I prioritised different things and my passion for playing drum-kit had slipped by the wayside and into oblivion. And no doubt, most of you reading this can think of something in your own life, that was once a passion, but that now has taken a back seat.
But the experience on this particular day, was so powerful to me that I really wanted to share it with you all.
And I guess there were three things that surprised me most about this “ decade long wait “ drum lesson:
And I guess, therein lies the lesson.
I could not believe how rejuvenating it was to be in the position of “student” once more.
I could not believe how much I loved trying to do something – and perfect it – and listen – and learn.
I could not believe how much I had missed the process of being the student.
Not just the learning of “ how to be a better drummer” but the learning about me.
* The laughter as I made mistakes.
* The encouragement of my teacher.
* The realization that perfection, whilst certainly my aim, was not a necessity of finding JOY in the activity.
*The watching of my own reactions to my learning process.
* The freedom to try – and succeed at times – and fail miserably at times – but love every moment ha ha ha!
The entire thing was just so wonderful.
Such an adrenaline shot!
I truly felt like I could conquer the world when I walked out of that lesson.
Had I conquered the drum kit and the piece I was attempting to play?
Had I conquered the drumming techniques I needed to handle the complexities of the piece I was playing?
Had I impressed my teacher with my skill and dexterity?
Mmmmmm – I would have to say I doubt it ha ha ah ha?
But I had conquered something so much more precious.
I had conquered my need to be in the driver’s seat.
I had conquered my need to be perfect in every moment.
I had challenged my ego to take a back seat and allow someone else to take charge.
I had challenged my comfort zone and the reassurance it represents.
And it was absolutely exhilarating.
The freedom I felt was enormous.
Now of course, I can only ever speak from my own life experience and perspective – and you will have to explore your own, but for me, it was a timely reminder of the rejuvenating benefits of learning.
The rejuvenating benefits of trying something new.
The rejuvenating benefits of expanding into new territories.
The rejuvenating benefits of allowing someone, or something else to show you the way into new areas and landscapes.
And it suddenly struck me that age creeps up on you, only when you have lost that thirst for the new.
When you cease to find JOY in the new.
When you cease the need to EXPAND.
When you cease interest in feeding new PASSIONS and DESIRES.
When you welcome in the bland and close the door to learning, life loses its shine and becomes a mundane repetition of all that has been done before.
Of all that has already been played out.
Of all that is done and dusted.
The reading of a page that has already been read and re-read over and over again.
And then you become some-what “ done and dusted”!
So I guess my message today, is to dust off those L Plates and stamp them firmly on some part of your life.
Take a class in something.
Try a new recipe.
Open your mind to new concepts.
Put on your student’s cap and rejuvenate your life.
For as I see it:
When you are interested in life – life is interested in you.
And you are holding the reigns.
#DiscoverYou #LoveYou #BeYou