Buried or planted ? – the choice is yours to make.

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Hello again and welcome back to the ABTY Blog,

Have you ever noticed how a lot of really good things seem to spring up from what we would perceive as bad experiences?

Situations that are loaded with confrontation, sadness, loss, grief, confusion, adversity or trauma seem to often lead to a re-awakening of some other part of life? The Universe steps in and fills the void – whatever it is.

New opportunities can follow.

New and surprising meetings with new people can pop up.

And new situations and directions in life, that we may never have thought of, without this difficult event, can somehow get triggered and evolve out of the most challenging moments.

But yet – when we are in the midst of these crisis points in our lives, it is often most difficult to stay calm and look ahead to the cloudy skies clearing and the bluebirds of happiness visiting our doors again. We can become trapped in a sense of hopelessness and distress.

So today I simply want to pose a new concept or way of looking at these times to you.

And the concept is simply this:

In those moments when you are feeling overwhelmed and challenged and hopeless – simply imagine that you are a little seed.

A little seed that is planted in the ground and ready to burst forth into the sunlight.

A little seed full of all the possibility in the world.

A little seed that is covered with dirt and muck and buried deep within the Earth.

But is this little seed feeling trapped and buried by the weight of all the black soil?

Is this little seed feeling worried about seeing the light of day ?

Is this little seed fretting over how to get up to the Earth’s surface and burst through into the world?

No – he is not.

This little seed is happy and content – trusting that when the time is right, and he has been nurtured by the soil his journey will begin. When he has drawn all the strength and nutrients from the ground that he can, he will seamlessly begin his journey to the top of the Earth and become a wonderful little plant.

The little seed knows that all the muck and dirt surrounding him will teach him new things and help him grow big and strong.

The little seed trusts The Universe and knows that when the time is right, growth will begin.

The little seed knows that for now, his job is to stay buried deep within the Earth, to gather strength, take time and renew – waiting for the moment to start the journey upwards.

So – whenever you are feeling moments of challenge – just remember this little seed and choose to feel planted. Not buried.

Planted in nutrient rich soil, hidden away from the harshness of direct sunlight, being nurtured and cared for till the time is right for you to sprout and reach upward.

Be patient and willing to ride out the storm, knowing that your time to shine will come again.

Like this little seed – you too are simply in a different stage of the growth process.

You can not become a sapling without being a seed buried within the Earth first.

You can not become a strong, magnificent tree without first being a sapling.

There is a time and process for all evolution – and the evolution of You is no different.

So choose to be planted – not buried.



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