A fishing trip and a dry cleaners – lessons in the most unexpected places.

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Hello to Everyone and welcome again to the blog,

It is so interesting to me, that sometimes the most poignant moments and most vivid lessons, can be delivered in the most unexpected places by the most unexpected person. And this was a case in point a few weeks ago when I made one of my usual ” after travel trips” to my local dry cleaner.

I visit my dry cleaner relatively frequently, so we always have a bit of a chat and catch up when I happen into his shop with my arms laden with clothes for dry cleaning or repair.

On this occasion we happened to get chatting about relaxation, time out, having some down time etc and this led us into the topic of fishing – and the most extraordinary revelation and lesson soon came to me.

The story goes something like this…..

My local “laundromat man” is called James and he is so lovely. I always enjoy seeing him when the occasions arise. So there I was telling him he shouldn’t work too hard and should take a break sometime etc etc .  And it was then that he revealed to me that he loves fishing. That fishing is his passion and what he does to relax and that he is going out to fish the very next day.

I have never quite understood the interest in fishing, for a number for reasons, so in a matter of fact sort of manner I replied to him: ” Oh – I don’t really have the patience for fishing and I would probably never catch a fish”……..and it was then that the lightning bolt was delivered….quite simply and easily, in one deft touch.

James just replied to me, without skipping a beat, ” But it is not about catching the fish. It is about being peaceful and calm and just enjoying being out there. It does not matter to me at all if I catch a fish. That is not the purpose of my fishing. I just love the peace and quiet. ”

I suddenly wanted to laugh at myself – out loud.

Of course.

“Light dawns on marble head” I thought to myself.

It’s about the fishing – not the catching.

It is about the process – not the result.

It is the journey – not the destination.

How many times have I written about this exact same thing, and yet, when given the opportunity to apply this concept to practical activities within my world, I seem to have come up short on the first real test. How could I not have realised this element of beauty in the act and practice of fishing? How could I not have seen this as something much deeper than the perceived result of the “doing”?

Why did I forget to see the doing as the goal, as opposed to the “getting” at the end?

For James – fishing is his meditation. It is his peaceful, grounding place, where he exists with no expectation. It is his place of being-ness. And in that one moment in the laundromat, as I delivered my dresses for dry cleaning, I was struck with two thoughts:

A – The Universe clearly wanted to remind me that I needed to refocus on and appreciate the journey I am on –  and not be so obsessed by the destination I think I am trying to reach

B – Isn’t it amazing how these reminders get delivered to us each and every day –  when least expected, by the most unassuming of people.

It was a real reminder to me, to always stay aware and in tune, as The Universe is sending us clues to who we are and what matters to us in every moment. We just need to be awake and alert to what is being whispered in our direction. It is amazing when these little tips and reminders come our way.

I thought to myself that day, what other profound wisdoms does James hold within ha ha ha?

And what little tips, tricks and tales are your friends, family and acquaintances sharing with you as you go along your path – towards your destination? What little nuggets of gold are whispered into your ear when you least expect it, to help you on your way as you reach for that goal – that destination you have in your mind’s eye?

A destination that I hasten to add you will NEVER reach.

Why? – Because you are not meant to.

There is no end to the journey.

It is a never ending gift that goes on and on and on.

So perhaps learn to love the doing instead of the getting.

Revel in the journey and forget about the destination.

Love the  road you are travelling and forget about the 5 star hotel at the end.

Because perhaps the hotel is a mirage.

Because perhaps the real gold is to be found in the “doing”.

Because perhaps you are not meant to catch any fish.

Because perhaps, the silence, the stillness and the waiting for the fish is the true magic.

And that is my golden lesson – my little nugget of pure gold that was delivered to me one sunny afternoon as I delivered my clothes to the dry cleaner.

Thank you James – I await your next lesson with baited breath ha ah ha [ no pun intended ]



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