Hello again travellers and welcome back,
Today’s blog is really going to be very short and sweet.
Just a quick reminder really, that worry is the greatest time waster of all time – so I strongly encourage you to stay away from it.
To quote the wonderful Maya Angelou:
” If you don’t like something – change it.
And if you can’t change it – change your attitude to it”
As someone who has a tendency to worry a lot – often about nothing ha ha ha – I have found this particular quote to be quite life changing. As once before, I could find myself stewing about a myriad of possibilities in any given situation, now I just apply what I have coined The Maya Philosophy, as quoted above.
“If you don’t like something – change it.
If you can’t change it – change your attitude to it”
Now – if you just allow those words of wisdom to settle within you for a moment, you will discover that there really are no other options, when faced with a situation not to your liking. I like to add one third option as well, which is – “or remove yourself from the situation entirely” – but I guess, that can actually come under premise one of the Maya Philosophy which is to simply – “change it.”
I have found this advice to be most helpful when chatting with a number of friends and acquaintances, about a variety of challenges,because you just can not get away from the fact that there really are no other options. And when faced with this reality, most people can very quickly come to fully appreciate and recognise the futility and foolishness of worry.
So – I thank you Maya Angelou for this most succinct of observations, and encourage you to spread it around and apply it in your own life.
It really can make a huge difference and free you up to enjoy life just that little bit more,
Forget the worry – it is futile and foolish.
So – change the situation or change your attitude to it. And then get on with the business of enjoying life.
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