Turn off the toxic tap – the choice is yours to make!

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Well hello travellers,

Today I just wanted to mention the power that you all have to create the environment you wish to live in.

That sounds pretty obvious doesn’t it? But I am constantly amazed by the negativity people allow into their lives on a daily basis, without any seeming realisation of the fact……and then they seem to wonder why they feel depressed and angst ridden and stressed out.

So my advice today, is to simply do two things:

1. Identify the leading causes of toxicity in your life

2. Turn off the tap

That is it. Job well done. Happy Days as I would say.

For me there are a few leading offenders in the toxicity stakes – but what one person considers toxic and what another person deems as not welcome in their life, is certainly a personal choice – so this is simply my list of things to look at.

See how these things resonate with you and then alter the list to suit your own needs and personality. These are just some things to consider, as you create your own list.


Over the past few years, I have found the content on regular television to have become quite dire. The news seems to be largely social commentary that is not always measured or the most incredibly negative stories focused on all the war, hatred, bombings, mentally disturbed and unusual people the world has to offer. I have found that watching the news, as it is presented by the mainstream media, only causes me to fret for the state of the world and become quite despondent. So I simply do not watch it anymore. You will have noticed that the stories are the same, day in and day out, with a bizarre sort of cyclical feel. Nothing ever seems to change. We are constantly in some sort of Ground Hog Day State of Peril with terrible things coming at us from all sides and strange reality programmes with even stranger people flooding our screens.

Well – consider this.

Consider choosing to simply watch clips and stories about all the good things people are doing in the world? A little Pollyanna you may say? But heh – why not choose to focus on all the wonderful people in the world who are exhibiting random acts of kindness and humanity each and every day. There are heaps of them. All over the world. Doing amazing things. Talking about amazing things. Discovering amazing things. Bringing to light wonderful and uplifting things. But the mainstream media do not seem to cover any of these stories.

There are many places to find these stories: The Good News Network on Facebook is one, my ABTY page on Facebook endeavours to uplift and share positive stories whenever possible, and then there is The Wake Up Project. And there are many other programmes  and  institutions worldwide now available outside of main stream media to watch and hook into for a more positive and upbeat look at the world. National Geographic, various other streaming channels and topic driven channels. So choose those instead perhaps and turn off the toxic negativity of mainstream TV.

Or even better –  simply turn the TV OFF altogether. I have not watched the TV in over a month now and have not missed it at all. In fact – I think that may have contributed to my much improved and more relaxed mood ha ha.


You know the magazines I am talking about. The ones that are designed to make you feel like you need to improve at least a few things about yourself. Full of digitally enhanced images that you can never replicate without going under the knife or drastically changing your eating habits – they convince you that your fabulous physical body – that has been performing a number of stellar functions for you for many years, is somehow not worthy? And then there are all the stories of all those fabulously wealthy and famous people whom you will most likely never be – again designed to make you feel sub standard.

Well – guess what? You are not sub standard and all those celebrities probably wish they could be a little more like you some days too? Who knows?

But what I do know, is that subjecting yourself to all these cannily crafted images day in and day out does not assist you to develop a good sense of self.

I mean why would they? If you think that you are perfectly fine and acceptable as you are, you are not going to be rushing out and buying a heap of products and things you do not need in an attempt to reach these loftily suggested goals are you?

So my advice – walk on by and get yourself a good book, on an uplifting topic that inspires you. And leave all those altered images and subversive suggestions for others to digest.


You all know people who drain the life right out of you. They are the people who come to visit with a string of complaints and people to deride. The world is against them and they always seem to be waging a war with someone or something. Everything is someone else’s fault. And life is never happy or productive or good for them so it seems?

Perhaps it is time to create a controlled environment when you see them? Arrange a place they like, so the complaining is likely to be less and then limit your time with them. As I have said before: Saying no to them, may in fact be saying YES to you – and to your sanity. The simple truth is that you can not convince everyone to be happy and to enjoy their life….whatever that may be. So if you have friends or relatives who constantly seem miserable and complaining and they are bringing your JOY factor down – then it may be time to turn off that tap and bring it to a dribble.


Now this is probably the one that may have surprised most of you – but it is something to really look at. Because your thoughts are the things that can empower or dis-empower you more quickly than anything else. So it will not matter, how many of the other taps you have turned off, if the stream gushing into your own mind each and every day is an overflowing pollutant mess.  And the quickest way I have found to de-activate negative thoughts and activate positive ones, is to simply notice them and actively change them.

For instance – if I catch myself thinking: ” you have the fattest stomach Christine”  [ and I have thought this lately after my Xmas indulgences ha ha ha ]- I immediately counter it with ” you are beautiful just as you are Christine”. And so on.

This does take a bit of practice – but it really works.

The other great idea is to get a little mirror [ or look into your bathroom mirror] each and every day – and simply look yourself in the eye and give yourself a string of compliments like:

I love you Christine

You are so loving and kind Christine

I love your cute little nose Christine

Your eyes are fabulous Christine.

I love being me. I am fantastic.

You are such a lovely person Christine

You can be anything you want to be Christine………etc etc etc

You get the drift ha ha ha.

The more difficult you find it to give yourself compliments in the mirror  - the more work you may have to do in actually believing yourself ha ha ha – but it will come in time. There is actually a meditation track for this on my ABTY Meditation CD that you can buy on line at the website, if that is a preference for you.

But at any rate – learning to love and appreciate yourself and turn of the toxicity tap that feeds straight into your brain and sub conscious is a great  and worthwhile thing to do, in my opinion.


So this would be what you eat, drink and breathe. I am not going to advocate any extreme diet or lifestyle of any kind here – but I think you can all tell when your body has had enough and just wants a whole lot of water and some nutritious food. Coffee, sugar, cigarettes and alcohol, of course are not good for your body’s health and well being – especially in vast quantities. But I would simply say – all things in moderation and use your own common sense. As a general rule – if it grows in the sun and is natural – it is good for you. And if it is processed or comes in a box – it is not. I will leave it for you to do your own research on what is best for your own health – but clearly – a less toxic regime is most likely a better choice.

So – that is it from me for today.

The toxicity tap is under your control  - no one else’s. So exercise your power of choice and bring into your life what is right for you.

The point of this blog is not to tell you how to live – but rather suggesting that there is a lot of toxicity out there, for you to deal with. But………

The choice is yours.

You have the control.

Either take it in or turn it off.

#DiscoverYou #LoveYou #BeYou


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