Stop – Rest – Rejuvenate!

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Hello to all,

This morning was an interesting one for me.

I rose feeling full of beans and ready to take on the world….and then it began.

I had a disagreement with some friends, I spilled my cup of coffee all over the carpet, my blog would not upload and then I missed my mouth and poured coffee all down my pyjamas.

It took all of this for me to get the message and listen.

Stop – Rest – Rejuvenate

After a hectic work schedule for the past three months which has seen me flying all over Australia – and rendered me never in one place for more than five days at a time – and usually only 1 –  3 days per stop. I have been in a constant state of pack, get on a plane, unpack, work, sleep, fly, unpack, do washing, blog, pack and go again.

And finally this morning the Universe has sent me a message loud and clear.

Stop – Rest – Rejuvenate!

So today’s blog is incredibly short and sweet.

If you are like me, and have been burning the candle at both ends for a little while.

If you are feeling harassed, harangued or hassled.

If you feel like you need to step back and take a break.

If you feel like your energy is being pulled in a hundred different directions

Then it probably is, and you probably do need a break ha ha ha.

So – on this calm and overcast day, I am about to close my computer down and leave all my emails for another time.

My blog is short and sweet and reflective of where I am right now.

I am about to don my walking gear and go stroll by the river.

Too easy.

The emails will wait.

The planning for next month will wait.

The to do list will wait.

And life will still carry on as usual.

The sun will rise and the sun will set and there I will be amongst it all.

But right now – I need to stop – rest – and rejuvenate. And if you are in the same place – I encourage you to do the same too.

So – I shall return when I have reset my energy and refilled my energy systems.

I shall return when I feel settled and calm and back in balance.

Till then – enjoy the blogs that are already here – over 100 of them now and enjoy the break.

Take some time to enjoy you.

Without the constancy of computers and blogs and emails……oh my!!!

Until then –



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