Christine’s Book List – 40 Books that changed my life!

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Hi Everyone,

Having recently had wonderful feedback when recommending a book on my Facebook page, I thought I would share with you my recommended reading list.

This is a list of 40 books that I have read over the years – some more than once – and very much value, for a variety of reasons.

I have catalogued them into different spheres of interest to give you a guide as to what they are about, as there may be some that are not to your particular taste, or of any interest to you at all. Just go with what calls your name.

I always feel intuitively drawn to certain books and no doubt you will be too.

So as I always say – take what grabs your attention and let the rest pass you by.

I have always found reading to be the most inspiring and comforting of mediums. The feel of the paper in your hands, the words coming to life on the page, as they convey some deep message or story, that is just for you in that moment in time. I guess that is why I now too   – choose to write.

So without further ado – here is my booklist.




by Christine Denny and A Bridge To You

With regards to Spirituality and Life in General

  1. The Heart of The Enlightened – Anthony De Mello
  2. Awareness – Anthony De Mello
  3. The Vortex – Esther and Jerry Hicks
  4. The Alchemist – Paul Coelho
  5. The Power on Now – Eckhart Tolle
  6. Unconditional Life – Deepak Chopra
  7. Synchro Destiny – Deepak Chopra
  8. The Power is Within You – Louise L Hay
  9. Messages from Water and the Universe – Masuru Emoto
  10. Dark Nights of The Soul – Thomas Moore
  11. Way of The Peaceful Warrior – Dan Millman
  12. The Magic Path of Intuition – Florence Scovel Shinn
  13. The Game of Life and How to Play It - Florence Scovel Shinn
  14. Manifest Your Destiny – Dr. Wayne W. Dyer
  15. The Last Lecture – Randy Pausch
  16. The Five People you meet in Heaven – Mitch Albom
  17. What I know for Sure – Oprah Winfrey
  18. Zero Limits, The Secret Hawaiian System for Wealth, Health, Peace and More – Joe Vitale and Ihaleakala Hew Len, PHD
  19. The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success – Deepak Chopra

With regards to Health and Healing

  1. Why People Don’t Heal and How They Can – Caroline Myss PHD
  2. The Anatomy of The Spirit – Caroline Myss PHD
  3. The Healing Secrets of The Ages – Catherine Ponder
  4. Your Body Speaks Your Mind – Deb Shapiro
  5. The Biology of Belief – Bruce Lipton, PHD
  6. The Emotion Code – Dr Bradley Nelson
  7. Hands of Light – Barbara Ann Brennan
  8. Mind Over Medicine – Lissa Rankin, M.D.
  9. The Brain that Changes Itself – Norman Doidge, MD
  10. The Brain’s Way of Healing – Norman Doidge, MD
  11. Heal Your Body – Louise L Hay

With regards to Past Lives

  1. Many Lives, Many Masters – Brian L. Weiss M.D
  2. Same Soul, Many Bodies – Brian L. Weiss M.D
  3. Crossing Over – John Edward
  4. Past Lives, Future Healing – Sylvia Browne
  5. Edgar Cayce: An American Prophet – Sidney D. Kirkpatrick
  6. The After Life of Billy Fingers – Annie Kagan

With regards to Consciousness / Quantum Reality

  1. The Conscious Universe – Dean Radin, PHD
  2. Entangled Minds – Dean Radin, PHD
  3. The Holographic Universe – Michael Talbot
  4. The Biology of Belief – Bruce Lipton, PHD [  this book also talks to Health and Healing]

So – there we have it.

Wishing you many hours of reading, exploration, soul searching, adventuring and comfort.

And as you delve into some of these books you may like to keep in mind this wonderful quote:

” When a thing is new people say – “It is not true”

Later, when it’s truth is known they say – ” It is not important”

Finally, when its importance cannot be denied they say – ” Anyway – it’s not new”

William James, 1896

#DiscoverYou, #LoveYou, #BeYou




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