Nourish your health and watch your world transform

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Hello to all,

I recently came across the most wonderful quote and as is sometimes the case I wanted to share it with you. It is an ancient quote regarding health and it puts a really great focus on how your health can truly impact your life in more ways than you may first imagine.

As I have written about before: Your Health is Your Wealth. 

And when you read the quote below, you will see just how profound this concept is and how it really crosses all parts of your life. It is also something that I really noticed myself when I was battling a so called “chronic illness” at the end of last year.

When I read this quote today I thought: ” Wow – this is so very true, and someone wrote about it thousands of years ago. And it is as true today as it was then”

And that got me thinking…….perhaps we should pay these ancient sayings a little more attention in our modern world. So here it is, for your reflection and benefit.

“When health is absent, wisdom cannot reveal itself, art cannot manifest, strength cannot fight, wealth becomes useless, and intelligence cannot be applied.”

~ Herophilius, Greek physician 335-280 BC

What more can be said really.

I invite you to just sit with that and read it a few more times and see what comes to your mind. Because I have always found that when there is a message in something for you – it will scream to you from the page and your soul will make sure that you get the message loud and clear.

It maybe that you pat yourself on the back and say:  yep, I am so glad that I have always been so healthy. How fortunate I am and how glad I feel that I can enjoy my body in its peak condition each and every day. That was a great investment I made in me. Bravo!

It maybe that you feel sad and say to yourself: I know I have let my health go for a long time now and it is time to reclaim it so I can enjoy every aspect of who I am. Starting tomorrow, I am going to get outdoors regularly and start thinking more helpful and healthful things about myself. I needed a wake up call. Thank you Universe!

It maybe that you feel proud and say : I had been feeling so unwell for so long until I started a new regime of focusing on my health and I can not believe how far I have come. Still a little ways to go – but the reminder of all the benefits of valuing and investing in my health have been grand. Onward and upward!

For me I remember how I was so distracted with my health, when everything was not functioning as it should. My creativity in my work suffered, what ever money I could earn seemed of no consequence and I seemed unable to function sometimes in a logical way.

I just wanted to be well.

Feel well.

Know I was well.

And with this health, and knowledge of good health, comes such a reassuring feeling. A feeling of control and stability. A feeling of wellness and possibility.

So my point today is really quite brief and that is simply to say, that if your health is not what you would like it to be, then perhaps now is the time to take the bull by the horns and do something about it. For the benefit of every aspect of your life.

In the past, you may not have put any attention to this area – but what if improving your health and well being did in fact impact upon your whole life?

What if making such change could really manifest in others areas?

Surely it is worth a shot?

For who knows…….. it may just impact upon many areas of your life as Herophilius suggested all those years ago.

#DiscoverYou, #LoveYou, #BeYou


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