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Good morning to you all and welcome to today’s blog,

In recent times, I have had some happenings in my life, that have brought home to me, in vivid technicolour, what was once only a theoretical scenario – or saying. And that saying is: Choose your battles wisely. You have all no doubt heard this age-old piece of wisdom and in the past few weeks this little golden nugget of wisdom has been firmly rooted in my subconscious, urging me on to a more contemplative approach when dealing with a new crisis of sorts.

Now, I have had to choose my battles before – but never quite so sharply as in the past few weeks. Never has this been such a physical reality in my life.

But I have to say – oh what a gift it has been.

A gift that has brought sharply into focus just where I want my energy to flow. As it has allowed me to really look at my energy systems and how I choose to regulate or manage them. And after a morning of grief, despair and anxiety I finally came to the logical conclusion.


I have had to choose whether or not to defend something which I think is just and right and true  – or whether to let it go and avoid a whole world of aggravation.

This is not an easy decision when you really believe in your position I hasten to add.

But in this particular situation, no one else could, or would be effected  by my decision– just me – so I guess that lightened the load considerably and made the decision a little easier to come to. But for me the fundamental realization I came to was that me “ winning the battle” in this instance would really just amount to me satisfying my ego.

Me knowing that I had won the day.

Me knowing that I was “cleverer than my opponent”.

Me feeling satisfied that I had fought the good fight.

But for what else – nothing really.

My life would not alter at all by capitulating to the other person who clearly had a lot of emotion and ego invested in the outcome. So why not let them have their moment of glory and move on?

What I finally realized for me – was that the amount of energy I was diverting to defending this truth [ that only impacted me ], and the amount of angst and irritation and upset I was feeling at defending it, was simply not worth it. I suddenly realized that by relinquishing the need to be right and to win the day in this instance, I would actually win for me.

I would restore my energetic flow into positive things, people and outcomes.

I would no longer feed into this negative territory.

My sense of self returned.

I felt happy and focused again.

I felt I could go back to adding something joyful to the Planet.

And in the instant I made the decision to LET IT GO and MOVE ON, my world reverted back to the harmonious, wonderful place I have created for myself. It was an absolutely instantaneous shift and the most wonderful sensation you could imagine.

I simply decided to no longer play the game as dictated by the other party, who clearly had a whole different set of parameters running for what they considered a worthwhile expenditure of their time. They clearly valued other things – and bringing joy to the Planet or living in a harmonious, loving way was not one of them, so we would always be at odds so to speak.

I decided to honour their right to be who they are – but equally I decided to honour my right to be who I am and exit the negativity in the scenario as quickly and easily as possible. And if that meant letting them win the day so to speak – then that was fine with me.

So – my message today is:


I finally realized that life is not just about the outcomes you experience, but more importantly about the expenditure of energy and emotions and resources you use in the pursuit of these outcomes.

Life is about how and where you decide to invest your time and energy.

Life is about what matters to you and how you express that.

For me – life is about living in a creative, imaginative and happy way.

And the more time I was investing in defending something – just to be right – the more time I was losing to invest in the things that actually mattered to me and would have an impact on my life in a real and physical way.

So today – I invite you to look at your own life and see where your energy is invested?

And is it invested wisely and well?

Am I saying you should never defend what is right and of value to you?

No – I am not saying that at all, as a life without standards and values could be quite meaningless and disappointing. But what I am saying is that – you need to choose which battles to fight.

Choose what is truly meaningful to you.

Look at what the result would be if you capitulated in whatever battle you are fighting and would it really matter?

If the answer is YES – this really matters and I must defend. Then I applaud you, encourage you and wish you the best in fighting the good fight.

But  – if you discover that winning this particular battle is not worth your time and energy – then I applaud you in walking away, taking a seat and reserving and redirecting your energies and creativity to a cause that really matters. Saving yourself for a cause that truly resonates with what you are about and what truly matters to you.

What I have learned in the last 24 hours, through this difficult and challenging experience is that sometimes wisdom can be found in walking away.

Wisdom can be found in saving your energies for something that really matters to you.

Wisdom can be found in letting the other person claim victory.

Wisdom can be found in losing the battle, but winning the war within yourself and your domain, by saving your energy for another cause and another moment in time.

And what I have also learned in the last 24 hours, is that it is so true, that you never really learn a lesson until you have experienced it in all its glory. And I am thrilled to say, that after a few agonising weeks of fear and worry and angst – I have finally popped out the other side and learned the lesson.

Thank you to The Universe.

Oh what a lesson it has been.

I was a little slow to get the message in the beginning  – but the relief I felt when I finally got it was huge.

The release of energy through my body and the joy of my soul releasing the problem was huge.

The realisation that I could choose a different path and rebalance my energetic flow by choosing not to defend, but rather to allow the other side a win – It was profound.

It was a great lesson indeed.

So – that is it for me today.

Onward and upward – and I trust I have inspired you to release and redirect your energy too. As there is one thing I know for sure, and that is that you always have the choice as to where you expend your energy. And if that investment of energy is not paying you a great dividend, then you may want to change your investment plan or strategy.

Look at it like any other investment you make – and if you are not getting a good return on that investment – change it. If the energy you put out, is not coming back to you with more good energy and feelings of love and joy and accomplishment and whatever you feel to be a good thing in your life – change your investment.

Walk away.

Let it go.

Let it be.

There is wisdom in knowing when to fight, when to defend and when to capitulate.

#DiscoverYou, #LoveYou, #BeYou


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