Hello everyone and welcome to the blog,
Recently I was lucky enough to see the new documentary about the late and great singer Amy Winehouse….and what an experience it was.
To say I was quite devastated by this film would not be an understatement.
I was shocked.
I was appalled.
I was moved.
I was filled with utter grief and despair at the unnecessary loss of a talent so dazzling and brilliant. A shimmering soul and a raging light that was dimmed well before its time.
But most of all I was dismayed by the world that allowed it to happen.
Some of you may disagree with me 100% and find my reaction to the film overly dramatic – and you are certainly entitled to your own take on this film. But for me the impact was all encompassing and so very real. A tangible sadness simply overwhelmed me and the tears just flooded out as I sat through the credits in the cinema.
The next day I kept bursting into tears for no reason, as my mind drifted back into the film.
The pack mentality of the media. The lack of nurturing for this poor girl. The lack of compassion shown by most people around her, including those deriving their income from her brilliant gift and those who would claim to be her fans and loved ones? The loss of control and dignity. The perturbing conflict of a voice that was so strong and clear and yet so ignored and unheard. A voice that was on the charts all over the world and at the same time – a voice that no-one seemed to take any notice of. Lyrics that screamed for help and understanding as they danced across the page of her notebooks and seared into hearts as she sang….but to no avail.
Was no-one listening, or seeing or caring?
It appears not. As people seemed to be all too busy judging. And most of all,these judgements seemed to follow Amy Winehouse everywhere.
The judgements made by society in general and as a whole, based on these narratives delivered by a clearly biased media with their own agendas and others around her who clearly had their own perspectives and motivations.
Am I saying this documentary represents the truth of the matter? Am I saying I am an expert on what happened? No I am not – but the film pointed to a bigger issue for me.
It threw up a very clear message, that what is seen in the media and what is going on for “celebrities” or anyone else on the planet can only be known by them – and them alone. And perhaps, sometimes we should extend a little compassion, in the direction of those who clearly need it, as opposed to throwing stones and making jokes at their expense.
I felt so ashamed to be part of our current expression of humanity at the end of this film.
A humanity that has set up the conditions that allows for this sort of thing to happen. And not only happen to those who are doubly exposed by celebrity – but happen to anyone, who suffers the wrath of other people’s uninformed judgement.
A society that allows other human beings to publicly drown – and be cheered on and ridiculed by some as it happens.
What has happened to compassion?
Where has the love gone?
Perhaps when we judge others we are just displaying our own lack of care and compassion for those around us? Perhaps we are simply displaying our own lack of empathy?
It really got me thinking about my own life and the people around me and brought me back to that old saying:” You can never know another man until you have walked a day in his shoes”
And so I guess my message today is really just a reminder to be gentle with others and always remember that you can never really know what is going on for another person unless you are walking in their shoes. Living their life with all the twists and turns that entails.
Perhaps choosing compassion – instead of judgement could be a good option?
Perhaps choosing kindness – instead of ridicule could be a start?
Perhaps choosing to offer assistance – instead of making things worse could be possible?
Do I have all the answers? - No
Am I perfect in this respect? – I certainly am not
Do I ever judge others? – Indeed I do – quite a lot actaully, despite my awareness and protestations here
But was I shocked into being a little more thoughtful in the future, before judging others – Yes I was.
My heart was filled with grief during this film. And tears drip onto the keyboard now as I type.
Perhaps it is a grief for my own lack of compassion toward others in the past. But equally an untold grief and sadness for a society and a humanity that continues to be complicit in the destroying of people’s souls, when the choice could be to LOVE, NURTURE and ASSIST.
I invite you to see the film and draw your own conclusions,
#DiscoverYou, #LoveYou, #BeYou