Re-evaluate. Re-calibrate. Re-activate. It’s OK to change direction.

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Why is it that many of us find change so difficult?

Why is it that we are taught not to upset the “status quo”?

Why are we told to settle for less than we can truly be?

For some reason, society seems to put a lot of pressure on people to decide on a course of action and then to stick to it – no matter what. No matter the fall out. No matter the true feelings the person may have towards it. No matter the ramifications of the decision that was initially made.

In some way, it seems like we are often still encouraged to make the most of a bad situation as opposed to leaving that bad or outdated situation and looking for something better. Working towards a new and redefined goal.

The old saying: “You made your bed – so lie in it” comes to mind.

But what if we changed that saying to ” Ok then – you chose a really bad bed that seems to be giving you chronic back ache and you are not a fan of the thread count in your sheets, so how about you buy a futon, invest in a new pillow, get some fitted sheets that feel great on your skin…….. and let’s go lie on that”

Now I am not saying for a minute that you can get ahead in life or find any sense of purpose and meaning  if you quit whenever life gets tough. Of course there a times when things are not easy and you have to grit your teeth and find a way through it. I am not talking about those times.

I am talking about the times when you realise that the path you have chosen is simply not the path that is bringing you joy anymore.

The times that you realise that you are no longer fulfilled by the vision you once had.

The times when you feel a pull from within you to try something new and different.

The times when you know from deep within your being, that you need to be pursuing another idea, life purpose or path.

I am simply here to suggest that it is OK.

It is OK to change course.

It is OK to take a new direction.

It is OK to explore other elements of who you are.

And to be honest I truly believe this is a healthy thing. For if you are growing  and learning and developing along your life path, then it stands to reason, that you will  - at times –  feel the need to do three things:

* Re-evalute your life

* Re-calibrate your life

* Re-activate your life

And what exactly do I mean by that?

Well quite simply you need to do these three really important things.

1. Re-evaluate your life and everything in it,to see if it is still in line with who you are as a person. We change our ideas about life a lot as we age and move through our life experiences, so you may need to look at whether or not your life style has kept up with these changes in your attitude. If not – it can cause deep feelings of discontent as you strive and crave to be aligned with what is of importance and value to you. And this is naturally going to change with you over time. And that is OK. It is also OK – if you feel no need to change anything at all. Perhaps your life has grown with you and all is fabulous in your world. If that is the case – then good for you. You have re-evaluated your life and found that all is in order and you are a happy camper. Only minor adjustments or additions needed for you. Bravo!

2.Re-calibrate your life by looking at what should stay and what needs to go. This can be difficult as often we become really attached to certain habits and people. But are these habits and people truly reflecting who you are now, what is important to you now and where you want to be in life, right now? For some  - yes. For others – no. And only you can decide. If habits or people in your life are no longer helping you to be the best person you can be, then perhaps you need to make changes. If certain habits, people or even your job have become toxic – then perhaps you need to figure out how you can change the situation and how it is all going to fit together. This is your chance to formulate a plan and strategy to get from where you are now, to where you want to be. Surrounded by people, conversations and experiences that truly light you up on the inside and reflect who you are now. In this period of your life. Not surrounded by people, habits, conversations and experiences from your past, that you may now find draining and incompatible with the person you have developed into. Again – if you discover all is good as it is, then pat yourself on the back for a job well done and carry on.

3. Re-activate your life by putting your strategy into action. Perhaps you change your place of work, join a gym to shed those unwanted kilos, join some clubs and make new friends, take up painting, join a hiking group or move to another country to live. Whether the changes are big or small it is imperative that you take action if you want your newly recognised vision of your life and who you are to match the reality of the life you are living. Living in congruence with who you are is the key to feeling satisfied and nurtured in your life experience.

So – in a nutshell.

If you are feeling like you made a crappy bed – you do not have to lie in it. Make another.

If you are hankering for more  - then make the time to search for what it is you are craving.

If you want a change – it won’t happen without you taking some sort of sustained action.

And finally – it is OK to change course, try something new and move in a new direction.

Of course you need to consider others in your life with compassion, kindness, respect and thought, if you make any decision that effects them. And of course you should seek professional advice if making changes that may effect you financially or legally etc

But my point is that life is not set in stone, but rather it is the water that floats easily and effortlessly over the rocks changing course as the rocks dictate.

So remember – You are allowed to discover the fullness of you.

#DiscoverYou #LoveYou #BeYou

- Christine -



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