My blog today is inspired by a visit to the cinema to see the newly released Movie Feature of Sondheim’s classic musical, INTO THE WOODS. I have to say that I did not remember the musical having so many twists and turns and analogies and metaphors for life [ though I was quite young when I first saw it ] and by the end of the film I was ready to sit and ponder quietly my own affairs somewhat.
For me though, there were two really poignant moments in the film. The first was when Prince Charming says quite bluntly and unashamedly to Cinderella [having just cheated on her with a peasant in the woods ] – “I was raised to be charming - not sincere”…….
Of course this is hilarious on one level, and it got a huge laugh in the cinema, but for me it was also a slice of life laid bare on the screen for all to see. A slice of the world we have become perhaps – where charming and pretty and sparkly and golden are admired and adulated no matter how insincere it may be. While being genuine and honest and caring seems to be fading from importance in the collective psyche and consciousness of humanity.
Why is it that our world has become dazzled by this fakeness and insincerity?
Is it because we seem to not notice it until it is too late?
Is it because we have come to value the wrong things?
Is it because of the increasing narcissism surrounding us?
Is it because we are increasingly cut off from one another and cut off from any real sense of connection and caring by the encroachment of technology?
As with all my blogs – I am not here to answer these questions for you, but to merely pose the quandary and leave you to your own deliberations and conclusions.
But for me – someone who enjoys pondering the meaning of life – it is something of interest and the film really got my mind firing……in many directions – and all at once ha ha.
The second piece of the movie that really struck a chord with me was right at the end, where to me the Baker summises the entire film in one perfect and succinct phrase. Unfortunately, being me [ this will make much sense to those who know me well ] despite quite a search I can not find the actual lyrics, but you will get the drift.
Throughout the movie the characters are portrayed in very ” stereotypical” ways.
The Goodies = The Baker and his Wife
The Heroes = the two Princes
The Baddies = the evil Witch
You get the picture.
But by the end of the film this is all thrown into chaos, as we see quite clearly that every character actually embodies all of these qualities within their own persona. Each character whether Prince or Witch has acted out of desperation – has acted out of self interest – has acted out of love.
And this for me was the point that really struck home to me.
It is so easy in our lives to see people only in one light – good , bad, clever, stupid, honorable, evil, useless, amazing etc etc - but in fact – we all contain all these elements within us and we are all just doing the best we can. We are in fact, all are motivated by the same things:
The movie really left me looking into my own life and exercising a little forgiveness for my own imperfections – for as one of the characters says in the film: “WE ALL MAKE MISTAKES”.
The line I can not remember is to the effect of:
These are by no means the actual lyrics – and if anyone out there has them and would like to add them as a commentary and adjunct to this article I would be forever grateful – but like I said – you get the point.
So – now here are my points:
1. Forgive yourself for not being perfect. None of us are. None of us exists as a single dimensional personality. And if there is anyone around you pretending to be this perfect being, then wish them well, send them on their way and know that they are somewhat deluded ha ha. We all have elements of light and dark. We all have moments we are proud of and those moments we hope to never repeat. We all have decisions we think perhaps could have been made differently. But that is life. That is the game. Learning, growing, striving, moving forward and recognising that you simply are doing the best you can.
And this attitude swings both ways too, which brings me to the next point:
2. Forgive those around you for their imperfections. Try and accommodate and assist those who are struggling as opposed to vilifying them, becoming annoyed or pointing out their faults. Easier said then done - I know – as to be frank I am quite an easily irritated, judgemental and impatient person myself. But there you go – we can only but try. I always like to think that at least I know my challenges – and it certainly makes them easier to work on ha ha ha.
And finally…
3. Try to remember that when you judge someone as THE HERO or THE VILLAIN – remember that they most likely have elements of the other extreme living within them too. And the expectation that they only live in “one side” of this perceived persona is simply not reasonable or likely. And perhaps a well rounded appraisal of all that surrounds us would stand us all in good stead.
And that is the wisdom I garnered from a rollicking good few hours at the movies with Meryl Streep and Co.
So – if you have not yet seen the movie, then go along and see for yourself.
Make up your own mind.
Take away your own metaphors.
Search your own soul for your own truth.
But I would have to say that no matter who you are, what your life story is, where you are or what you are experiencing right now in your life – there will be a storyline with which you resonate and whole lot of “food for thought” that you can take away with you, way after the popcorn is finished.
And on that note I sign off for another week.
So remember…….
Discover you. Love You. Be You – All of You……unashamedly 100%
- Christine -
PS: A note to those of you not familiar with Into The Woods – it is a musical and there is a lot of singing ha ha ha!!!