Animal communication – can we really chat with our furry friends?

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Recently I have been hearing and reading a lot of talk about Animal Communication. It just seems to be popping up everywhere and even though I do not have a pet of my own, I do have a huge love of nature and believe 100% that we are all connected to nature and all other animals on the planet. I often marvel at what close connections all my pet owning friends have with their various animals and love that feeling of unconditional love that they seem to bring with them to their owners.

For this reason, I thought I would take the opportunity to have a chat with my friend, and animal communicator extraordinaire – Faye Fletcher – and get her to answer what I assume would be most people’s questions regarding this incredible gift.

I trust that those of you with animals in your life will find this blog useful and insightful, and that it will open your mind to the possibilities of communicating with your animal in a new and exciting way.

Christine: First of all Faye, can you explain exactly what you mean by animal communication? How exactly do you speak with or communicate with someone’s pet, when you are clearly both speaking a different language?

 Faye:  Well that’s just it, we are not “speaking a different language”…… Telepathic or silent communication;   imagery, emotions and feelings are tangible senses.

 Animals use a telepathic or silent language.  They send and receive images along with their feelings and emotions.   In fact we were born with these abilities it’s just that we’ve forgotten how to use them.

 When I see a photo of someone’s animal I will “get present or still my mind” and then ask a question. The animal transmits, and I receive, very strong feelings, emotions and see pictures, in my mind, of what the animal wants to communicate.  Let’s do a little exercise to demonstrate…..

If I asked you to “describe your front door to me”  firstly, you would think I was nuts, however, give it a try………when you start describing your front door you will have a vision of it in your mind.  You will visualize it in order to describe it.  You will not be thinking about cleaning the car while trying to describe the door.  It is with this imagery in conjunction with feeling and emotions that we use to interpret what your animal is communicating to us.

Christine:    OK then. So if someone wanted to have a session with you to discover a little more about their particular pet, what would the process be?

 Faye:   They would contact me either by phone or email.  I would take them step by step through the communication process.  They would attach a photo of their pet in an email to me, or if they prefer, post it to me. 

I would make an initial connection with their pet and gather information that the person would verify as their pet.  We would set up a time that suited them and they would call me at the pre-arranged time.  At this point they can verify that I did make a good connection in which case they could ask questions and I would deliver the answers.  If a good connection isn’t made we stop and don’t continue.

Christine:   What is one of the most memorable experiences you have had connecting a person with their pet?

 Faye:  Oh boy, there have been many however one did touch my heart.  It was a little dog called Amber and her owner, Maria, lost her to illness in just 3 short weeks.  Ambers passing affected her greatly and she found it difficult to accept Amber had gone and felt particularly guilty for having her put to sleep. 

During the communication Amber had expressed her gratitude for the release because she had had enough pain and said she felt the pain Maria was going through by having her put down.  Amber said she was in Maria’s life to bring joy, love and “to fill a gap”….that Maria had lost someone in her life and Amber was there for her. I told Maria that this loss felt like an extension of Maria, “like a child”….. Maria then told me that what Amber said “hit her to the core since she did lose custody of her child”.

Something else that touched Maria was when Amber spoke about a “pink blanket” that was so special to her. Maria explained that the pink blanket is what Amber had when she was a puppy and then when she was sick before she passed.  It was what Maria had kept to remember her by.

 Maria told me that this information along with the rest of the communication was very healing and gave her the peace of mind she needed and helped ease the pain, grief and guilt that she’d carried with her for months.

Christine:  Given that this is quite a new area for most people to venture into, some people are sure to have their doubts. How can the animal’s owner be sure that the reading they are getting is authentic and not just a “generic” reading that you might give to any pet owner? What specifics are given to prove to the owner that you are communicating specifically with their pet?

 Faye:  Yes, good question.  The initial communication I do before talking with the animals owner is where I ask questions of the animal that only its human might know.

This can be anything from “why it’s human had gone away and that they didn’t like the person minding them” to small stuff like what it likes to eat.  I have had a cat tell me, when asked that question, that its favourite food was “toast”… that sounds odd but the human confirmed their cat did indeed love toast yet not ALL cats like toast.

 I have heard some sceptics say “well if a cat says it like/wants fish to eat that is because every cat would like fish”…..however, that is not true.  I have had 7 cats over the years and only 2 of them liked fish.

Christine:    Is there any animal that you would not be prepared to communicate with and why?

 Faye:      No.  That’s like saying “is there any person you would not be prepared to communicate with”….. The process is the same for every animal.  Some animals are quite basic in their ideas and needs and some are very communicative.

Christine:    Why do you think Animal Communication has taken a little longer to become mainstream in Australia then in some other countries?

 Faye:    I’m not sure.  We seem to take our time with new concepts here but that is changing. 

Christine:    What are the most common reasons people seek you out to communicate with their animal?

 Faye:  Some of the more common reasons are:

  • Their animal has suddenly changed  behavior and the Vet has established that it is not a physical problem…..The behavior changes can have to do with the animal losing another pet or human in the family, either through death or perhaps a divorce and so the animal is grieving
  • It has become very bored because of a lack of exercise or some change within the family dynamics, a new baby coming into the family, a house change etc
  • The human simply wanting to know how the animal is feeling, is it happy, does it like the new animal that has been introduced to the home, why has it suddenly gone off it’s normal food….?
  • Their animal has become aggressive?
  • Their animal has been adopted from the pound and want to know why it behaves the way it does?

Christine:    And finally – what advice would you give to someone who is having their first ever Animal Communication session?

 Faye:    Be prepared for their animal to tell you things you didn’t even know yourself, like why:

  • They don’t like where they have to sleep
  • They had a nasty altercation with another animal or human that you hadn’t witnessed
  • They want you to know things that are important to them

 The best thing to do is to have no expectations and be prepared to be surprised.  Having a chat with your animal can bring a real sense of understanding into your relationship because you are hearing from the animals’ perspective, not yours.

 Wow.  There was just so much information there about the entire process and what to expect.  Faye I can’t thank you enough for taking the time to join me for a cup of tea and a chat about Animal Communication.

 If you would like to have a session with Faye or discover even more about this modality, please visit Faye’s website and/or drop her an email.


Our animal friends bring such a unique and comforting energy to our world and it really is a blessing to have people like Faye amongst us who have such a passion and caring for them, that they have learned how to communicate effectively with them.

As I said at the start – I trust this blog was insightful and I look forward to bringing some other messages to you from Faye in the future.

 -Christine -






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