I recently came upon the most wonderful quote and it really got me thinking. I trust that it will do the same for you and so would like to share it here with you all:
Holding onto anger is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die
– Buddha-
Wow – that is really quite hard hitting stuff. So I encourage you to settle into that sentence, read it again, let it truly sink in and then just sit with it for a few minutes before reading on.
No doubt, for most of you, whilst contemplating this quote you would have had little bubbles of anger and hostility come to your mind – I know I certainly did. We are all only human after all. But with recognition of any situation comes the ability to make change and see things from a different perspective.
So – now – take those little bubbles of anger and have a think about how you may be able to disengage from them – how you can stop drinking from that poisoned chalice and instead choose another refreshing beverage of choice ha ha? For whether you agree with the pretext and concept or not, the results are still the same: ruminating upon angry thoughts, feelings and situations creates angry thoughts and feelings within your whole body, mind and spirit and does little to set you up for a positive and productive day or life experience .
Often times we read these little quotes on Facebook or wherever - and they pass through our consciousness like a freight train on a mission – making a great impression for about the 4 seconds it took to flash through our minds and consciousness, but then a minute later it is gone and we are back on the platform, lucky if we still feel the faint breeze generated by the trains passing.
For me - this is one of those freight trains that could do well to pull into the station for a while ha ha.
And perhaps we could all give it some thought.
People seem so angry all the time, these days. Angry that someone cut them off in traffic.Angry that this happened or that was said or this person did this or that.
Perhaps we could all do with remembering this most succinct put punchy of quotes and reflect on it a little more often.
It is often said that forgiveness of another person is one of the most powerful gifts you can give yourself and I have found from my own life experience that nothing could be more true. The realisation of this fact was such a blessing. It stopped me from waiting for an apology that I knew would never come, and just get on with living. It was a situation that could have poisoned one of my most cherished relationships for years to come. It could have eaten me up from the inside out. It was hurtful beyond belief – but I chose to let it go and preserve the relationship. I simply dropped it.
And I have to say that the relationship to which I am referring is still thriving to this day and we have had so many incredible and wonderful moments together since. Had I held onto the anger – this may not be the case. And I do often think about that.
Of course – we all have different experiences of life and I can not comment on every situation. But it could be worthwhile looking at the price you pay for holding onto anger in certain situations?
Are you happy to drink that cup of poison? Is the situation worth it? Is it worth the knot in your stomach and the sad, hurtful thoughts predominating your mind? Or would you rather move on and drink from the cup of life which holds far greater prospects and is sure to be a much tastier option ha ha?
There are certainly times to stand your ground, speak your mind and be heard. But once you have done that - move on and release all anger.
Shake it out.
Let it Go.
Be Free.
If the challenge you have is worth the fight – by all means – speak up and then move on. But perhaps, upon reflection, you will decide that it is simply not worth the fight anyways – in which case – again – release the anger – just let it go – and move on.
The choice is always with us.
Conflict or Resolution.
Anger or Joy
Disharmony or Peace.
Now stop for a moment and notice your reaction to those six words directly above
Most of you will no doubt feel drawn to the words Resolution – Joy – Peace.
Interesting isn’t it
It is our natural state to be drawn to harmony and peace and resolution and joy.
It is not our natural state to be churning away over past incidents and actions.
So perhaps today you can release some anger?
Not because you are letting the person or situation who upset you off the hook – but because you have decided to let yourself off the hook.
Decide to move in a new direction.
Take a load off.
Simply do not buy into the anger.
Choose a different path.
Drink from a different cup.
If it sounds too easy – it is because it is too easy.
Life is far more simple than most people and the media would have you believe.
Choose the life you want. Create and life you want. Be the life you want.
- Christine -