Our Lessons for our children are our lessons for us too!

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Hello and welcome back to ABTY,

Today I simply want to share a little quote with you all that I saw recently.

Sometimes inspiration comes in a little quote like this and really means something on a deeper level – and this, for me , was one of those quotes.

I guess because I have always been a teacher – this quote hit me, as it was talking about what we should teach our children. And this got me thinking. When I read it I immediately thought:

” Why is it that so often we apply certain standards to our children, our students and our youth and yet we are reticent, or even oblivious to applying the same standards to ourselves as adults?”

The quote on the next page is one of those quotes, that to me, is all about these standards.

So full of wisdom indeed!

But let us, as adults, apply its philosophy to ourselves and not just to the next generation.

I invite you to take out the phrase ” teach them” each time it is repeated and change it to ” teach yourself”.  I invite you to apply the entire message to You!

If we could all do this, then we would indeed see a huge change in our world!

Enjoy :-)


#Discover You #Love You #Be You


And remember – we are all just doing the best we can!

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